The Beginning

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Hello!, this is my first time writing a fanfic, and I would love to take constructive criticism and advice on how to make it better. I hope you guys enjoy!

   You lay in your bed peacefully sleeping then, all of sudden you feel a forceful tug on the collar of your shirt. ???:"I trusted you!,Why tell me why y/n?!" You rise from you bed heavily breathing, " It must've been a dream." You said as you get up and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. You do your morning routine like usual and go to the living room.

   As you arrive you see your mother and father sitting at the dining table about to eat breakfast. Your mother notice your presents quickly. Y/m:"Good morning dear, how did you sleep?,your mother asks you. Y/n: "I slept okay, just had a weird dream that's all." Y/m: "well come sit down with me and your father and have breakfast." You sit down with your parents and begin to eat your breakfast. As you all finish you put the dishes in the sink, then walk toward the front door.y/n:"Dad!, do we need anything from the store?" Your father responds y/d:"Just some more eggs and bread if you can get that at the market."Y/n:"Alright dad I'll be back"

   You said as you put your shoes on and walked out the door. You walk down the street towards the city to the fresh market in town. As you get to the city, you see crowds of people walking the streets and going into different shops. Once you arrived at the fresh market, you look around for eggs and bread. Once you found the items you needed you payed for them and headed back home.

   After a few moments of walking you arrive at home and open the door. You see everything a mess, the living room couch is torn, glass is shatterd and everything. You drop the bags in your hand and ran around the house in search for you parent, while yelling out. Y/n: Mom! Dad!, where are you!? Your search finally comes to end, you standing in your parents room.

   But all of a sudden you see a note laying on the torn bed. It reads " Hello Y/n, you parents belong to us now. Don't come find them or pay the price. From: Syndicate" After reading the note panic awakes in you, anger rises. You have just been told that you parents have been taken by the syndicate, you were feeling all types of emotions. After calming down a bit, you take off to the streets asking neighbors, friends anyone who you may think knows where your parents are. But no one knows anything or they might and the syndicate probably told them to keep their mouths shut. You are gonna get your parents back no matter what, even if you have to take risks. The syndicate is gonna pay dearly for messing with your family.

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