Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19 :: Hot Chocolate & Strawberries

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-Y/n POV-

"What is it?" He softly said while cupping my face, I was a little hesitant about how he'll react to it, but I had to say it anyways

"I don't want us to be a couple in school" His eyes turned into little confused before he think of anything else I continued "I'm only talking about school Because I don't want unwanted attention" I slightly started biting on my lower lips "I hope you understand" I added, He was silent for few seconds before speaking "Um, Y/nn-ahh, Don't worry, it's okay, I respect your opinion" I smile at him "You should speak freely to me, Hmm" He added, I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed his lips, Of course, he is taller than me

He smiled in between the kiss and soon broke it, I looked at him when he said "If you don't mind, can I tell this to Jungkook and Namjoon? They know everything about us like from how long I've been liking you and stuff" I smiled at him while nodding my head


When we were near school, he unhold our hands and went inside the school before me, I made my way to the locker spot and took out my stuff when I saw Sang-hoon and Haneul approaching me "Hey" Sang-hoon said while sighing deeply, I hummed while taking out my stuff when he continued "You need to come with us" I look at Haneul then Sang-hoon

"I'm late for class," I said while slamming the locker's door, I looked at Sang-Hoon, and he cleared his throat and said "Well, that's new anyways Y/n, if you aren't checking it out right now then I'll do it in my way"

"What are you talking about?" I asked now facing him properly "On sports day, Jia and other girls were making fun of On-jo in the empty classroom and On-jo beat the shit Outta Jia" He laughed and continued "And now Jia is with her at the backside of the school, She's not leaving her, and being a mad bitch about it"

"Who's On-jo?" I asked him "She's from Jiho's classroom" I nod "I can't be there right now, Jia has a lot of problems with others, I don't wanna handle her lame shit, you check it by yourself," I said, He steps back while smiling manically "Got it"

I hurriedly made my way to the classroom and reached inside on time, I looked over at my desk and saw Jimin writing some notes, he didn't notice me until I put books on my desk, He immediately looked at me with a smile, I smiled back at him and sat on my desk

Right after a few seconds, Ms.Kim came into the classroom "So students, before starting the lecture, I have to tell you that soon you'll get your scholarship exam result, and start preparing for your final exams you got less than 2 months now, and like I said last time you'll get two projects before your finals, the first project you guys already did last month, today before the school ends I'll give topics to class president, you have 2 weeks to complete it and pairs are same as last time" I smiled at her last words

 •𝗣𝗝𝗠: 𝖲𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝖨𝗍•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu