Sneak Peak: The Fires of Revolution

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Emma quickly changed her mind on stopping for an evening snack after observing more knights patrolling the streets. She didn't acknowledge them, keeping her eyes in front of her as she walked proudly and with purpose. Relief swept over her when they left the town, stepping onto the dirt path leading to home.

That'll be the last time I head into town for a while. Emma thought to herself. Unless I'm helping Mom with house calls. Besides, Vampires are becoming more scarce nowadays. There's probably one every few months prowling around town. Richter and I've done too good of a  job.

"What was it like, being in the American revolution?" Maria asked, her temper simmered off and she was genuinely curious about her veteran relatives."

"It was.....many things." Emma answered plainly. "There was a lot of work to be done, a lot of traveling, roughing  it out, and a lot of fighting." She patted her hilt. "This sword has tasted enough human blood for a lifetime."

"You fought?" Maria's eyes widened. "In the war? In actual battle!?"


"I thought you helped out with the other women in the army!"

"I did ." Emma replied. " I wasn't allowed to fight, but I still saw action. When I wasn't helping out on the battlefield, I acted as a night watch killing intruding vampires picking for a snack on our patriots. Vampires always exploit human conflicts, this was no exception. The British employed vampires to pick off soldiers while they slept, and to stir fear in our ranks, lowering  morale. There were many night guards throughout the Continental army, the  majority being vampire hunters like Richter, but I knew of a vampire who was on our side."

"A vampire fought with the revolution?" Maria gawked surprised.

"Yes." Emma smiled. "He was like Vance; a vampire who kept his humanity and fought for the same freedoms.He stuck with me throughout the whole war. We were odd birds of a feather who flocked together." Emma never forgot him after all this time, and regretted not seeing him again before leaving for Europe. She thought about him often and wondered how he was doing. If only there were a way to contact friendly vampires as easily as earthly angels.

"Honestly, there were only two battles I fought in. The Battle of Monmouth, in New Jersey during the summer of 1778. I wasn't intending to draw my sword in that one, my friend needed help manning the cannons and I defended her. And then Yorktown, the penultimate Battle in the fall of 1781. That was the one I truly fought as a soldier." Emma felt her glyphs prickle and her heart uptick." We finally won after that..." She clenched her fists. "But I lost everything."  She vividly remembered finding him mortally wounded on the battlefield. Her lover reborn only to die in her arms.

"You must have so many stories to tell." Maria marveled at her.

"I do." Emma's voice and gaze drifted away. But I'm not ready to tell them...not yet.Not now.

Emma paused, raising her head to the smoke coming from Tera's chimney and sniffing the air. Her descendant was cooking again, she wondered how she could afford enough food to feed a hearty meal. It wouldn't surprise me if Jocasta is helping her out as she is Mom. That angel had a big heart and an equally sized purse.

"Don't tell Mother about the knights." Maria told Emma tense.

"I won't have to." Emma growled, staring rigidly at the Abbot speaking with Tera at the door. The two turned around and gazed surprised at the two returning mages. "Good evening Emmaline, Maria." The Abbot greeted them in a calm formal manner.

Emma instinctively bared her teeth, scenting a familiar burning from his robes, and kept Maria close.

"What are you doing here?" Maria glared at him.

"I just wanted to ensure you were all right." The Abbot. "I was informed of a disturbance in town involving you."

"I'm fine thank you." Maria responded tersely. " There was a disturbance. Your knights tried to arrest us for speaking in opposition of everything you strive to uphold. If it weren't for Emma-."

"You would have spent a night behind bars with your mother worried to death." The Abbot gave  Emma a smile of approval. "I thank you for keeping this dear young one out of trouble. It's a relief knowing you are on the side of righteousness  and order."

"I'm not on anyone's side, really." Emma replied stiffly. "I just want to keep out of trouble, and my family too."

"Emma, you were a revolutionary!" Maria exclaimed.

"In another place and another time." Emma clicked her teeth. "Those days are behind me."

"A wise choice." The Abbot approved. "I'm glad you have seen the light of truth. You'd do best to keep to yourself, especially one of your......breed." He glaced at her teeth, making her bristle further. "Emmaline, Maria." He dipped his head.  "I bid you a good night." Emma leered tense at the Abbot until he was out of sight, utterly a low hiss between her closed jaws.

Why the fuck does he smell of alchemy?

"I can't believe how much of a craven you are." Maria shrugged dismissively. "Wheedling and licking the Abbot's heels like a dog. You're better than that, Emma, and you know it. You should be ashamed."

"That's enough Maria!" Tera snapped at her daughter. "A craven would not have defied the Abbot's knights with an unsheathed blade to protect you. Apologize to her now."

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