Character Profile: The Hermit

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Name: Valerius

Nicknamed: Val. Brother. Starshine. Crazy Hermit.

Species: Nephilim (In Life)

                 Guardian Angel (As a Spirit)

Gender: Male

Age: Over 2000 years

Affiliation: The Belmont Clan

Alias: The Hermit


Zaharial (Mother. A Watcher angel)

Aurelius (Father. A human and former Roman general)

Amalthea (wife)

Cassandra (Daughter)

Aurora (Daughter)

Cassius (Son)

Emmaline (Half Sister by blood. Full sister by soul)

Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes (Father's reincarnation)

Notable Descendants (italicized names indicate living members during Nocturne's story)

Leon Belmont

Trevor Belmont

Simon Belmont

Christopher Belmont

Juste Belmont

Julia Belmont

Richter Belmont


In life, Valerius was brave, empathetic, strong willed, and witty. These traits carried on after his bodily death. He is incredibly wise, especially in the knowledge of monster hunting. He dedicated his life to defending the innocent against vampires and the supernatural threats of this world after witnessing the tragic death of his father at the hands of a vampire, and passing that knowledge down to his children and descendants.

He is also introverted, preferring to keep to himself when he wasn't with his family. 

He can be a bit snarky and a smartass with his baby sister.


-Valerius is the ancestor of the Belmont Clan.

-He is the assigned Guardian Angel to his centuries younger half-sister, Emma, acting as her spirit guide and protector. Due to Emma's semi divine nature, she's able to summon and speak with him in times of need. Not that he will always answer, and if he does, they may not be the answers she wants to hear.

 -Valerius's father was killed by a vampire in an attack on their village. The creature was hunting and Aurelius stood between the vampire and his prey. You never stand between a hungry predator and their food, and you especially do not attack them. Already famished and furious at this offense, the Vampire mauled him without effort, drinking his blood. Zaharial was away at the time, and when she saw what happened she fought him off, but it was too late. The love of her life, and the father of her child bled to death in her arms. Zaharial was devastated, but she knew revenge wasn't an option, and sought to avenge Aurelius by caring for his final gift to her. Zaharial has no memory of this event.

- Valerius wanted revenge on his father's killer, but Zaharial forbade him from seeking it out, knowing a boy of thirteen was no match for a fallen angel-turned-vampire. He didn't listen and nearly got himself killed three years later, until Zaharial showed up and went Mama Bear mode which ended in a stalemate duel. "Teach your half-bred whelp to pick his battles wisely. If he attacks me again. I will bite his throat out, Nephilim or not."

- Valerius lived to 120 years old and looked no older than 80 at the time of his death. He passed  away willingly. His mother went with his soul to the Celestial Realms and frequently visited him in the Afterlife until she was exiled many centuries later.

- According to Amalie (Zaharial) Valerius was a huge mama's boy and unashamed of it!

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