Sneak Peak: Ange Gardien

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Rain pattered on the window pane. Even at the rooster's crow I slept in, the sky darkened enough I didn't wake at sunrise. I doubted anyone would seek me in the pouring rain unless it was a dire emergency.

Emmaline stirred next to me, curled up on her side cocooned within the blanket with her arms and legs tucked into her body, unintentionally mirroring me. She groaned, clicking her teeth.

"Morning Bee." I murmured, stretching my limbs from my own cocoon.

"Morning Mom." Emma stretched her limbs out in front of her like a cat. "Have I overslept?"

"I think so." I yawned. "I did too. Sounds like it's pouring out there." I got up and looked out the window. The sky deep grey as the rain misted the treetops, neither a downpour nor a light drizzle. "Looks like the storm lightened up from last night."

"Mmhm." Emma agreed, still laying in bed and less inclined to get up.

"Are you okay, Em?" I rubbed her shoulder.

"I am." Emma slowly nodded. "Thanks for letting me sleep with you last night."

"Think nothing of it." I kissed her cheek when she turned over. "I hope it helped you sleep better."

"It did." Emma admitting. "Having you next to me, hearing your familiar breath and heartbeat, was a tremendous comfort especially with the thunder going off all night... "

"I know honey." I hugged her. "I'm so sorry."

"Thanks." Emma sighed, hugging me back and nuzzling into me. "Never thought I'd be sleeping in your bed because I was terrified of thunder again." She chuckled dryly, trying to make light of it, before yawning. "I'm sorry I scared you last night, Mother."

"Don't apologize, Emmaline." I hushed her. "There's nothing to apologize for. I understand."

"It's crazy how close thunder sounds to canon-fire." Emma's chest shuddered against mine. "I panicked. "

"It's okay Emmaline."

"For now it is." Emma sighed. "There's no thunder."

"Well, the next time there is, you can stay with me for the night. That goes for every thunderstorm from now on as long as you're living under my roof."

"Thank you Mother." Emma smiled. "Truly."

"Anything to make you feel safe, my Bee." I stroked a loose strand of her hair.

"What if I panic again?" Emma sniffled. "I could hurt you."

"You won't, and I'll be there to soothe your fears like I did last night."

Emma closed her eyes and made a relieved thrum from deep within her chest.

I didn't release her from my hug until she let go.

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