Sneak Peak: The Mal'akh of Machecoul

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Sometimes dreaming was hard. Not because they were bad dreams, rather the opposite, they were so good I didn't want them to end. I didn't want to leave his arms. I didn't want to wake up to an empty bed in another country, cuddling against my body pillow instead of his slow beating heart.

We shared dreams, through his vampiric dormancy and my nightly sleep, our minds connected and we'd see each other again. Every dream was pure bliss, to at least see him again and feel his kisses on my lips, wrapped in his arms with our hearts beating against each other. I would tell him about our daughter and our lives in France.

He always wanted to hear about her. He was connected to her the way I was with him, but he couldn't link to her as easily because their bond was strained. "Tell her I love her." He asked me the last time.

"She knows. She loves you too, Adrian, and she does not hate you. She just has a lot to process."

This current dream had snuggled together under the blanket in the castle bedroom. My head on his bare chest, listening to his slow, melodic heartbeat in my ear while he gently stroked through my hair. I didn't open my eyes, because I knew I'd wake up if I did. Let me enjoy this moment when we were interconnected and together from afar.

"It's time to get up, my dear,"

"I don't want to." I refused

"Darling, you must wake up." He caressed my forehead. "Open your eyes, and greet the day."

"I don't want to." I repeated. "When I open my eyes you won't be with me"

"I am always with you." His lips touched my cheek. "Our souls are intertwined and our minds are forever connected. All you need is to call on me and I will be with you, even if I'm not physically there." He kissed me again, his lips lingering on my skin. "Wake up my angel...wake up...."

I drifted into the waking world, wrapped against the body pillow with the morning light on the curtains. I groaned, tearfully nuzzling into the pillow before getting myself out of bed.

Is Emma cooking again? I wrinkled my nose at the burnt smell of bacon from the kitchen. She's never up this early, I wonder if she somehow sensed I was dreaming about her father. 

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