Just For Fun.

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"I've been meaning to ask you. What's with that pocket you've got on your cloak?" Maria wondered.

"Oh this? Vance is sleeping here." Emma opened the pocket. " Hello Vance. What's up?"

The fearsome black bat poked his head out and blew a small raspberry.


"Why do you kill vampires then, if you're so uninterested?" Maria asked.

Richter stretched. "It's the most fun you can have with your clothes on." He smirked.

Maria stabbed the fork against her plate thoroughly unimpressed.

"Nice to know all the years of hard training were for nothing but shits and giggles." Emma huffed.


"Mom, you have my permission to whack Richter in the head."

"He's not that bad." Amalie laughed. " Compared to past generations, he's easy. You lucked out getting the mellow one."

"He's mellow!?" Emma gaped. "My God. I'm sorry you had to deal with those lunkheads for centuries alone. Had I known what big schmucks they were, I wouldn't have left you for the New World."

"Ahh don't sweat it. I've been the Guardian of Belmont's for years uncounted. Some were easier to guide than others."

"So they  weren't  all dicks?"

"Oh no they were!" Amalie admitted. "Each one a varying level of dickery. On a scale of Leon to Trevor. I'd put your Belmont  at a Simon."

"I don't know who Simon was."


"I remember when your father and I were stuck in  a cave." Amalie reminisced. "We were hunting  vampires stupid enough to mess with our village and tracked them in a cavern . We managed to kill them, but they trapped us and separated us from your aunt and uncle. We had to find our way out."

"I'm guessing you eventually did." Emma surmised.

"Yes, but when we found the exit it was pouring! We had to stay inside the cave until it passed. That was a while but we passed the time, cuddling by the fire hearing the storm outside. Eventually Aunt Sypha and Uncle Trevor found us." Amalie started counting her fingers. 

"What are you counting?" Emma asked.

"The time between that incident and your birthday. Yes..makes sense. The times add up. We kept ourselves occupied in that cave."

"Dear lord MOTHER!!!!" Emma squeaked mortified. "I could have gone the rest of my immortal life without knowing that!! A cave!? Seriously!? I was conceived in a cave!?!?!?!"

"Yes." Amalie said unashamed. "The conditions were ideal and we hadn't been alone together in a long time."

 "Don't talk to me again."Emma suppressed a gag.


"I have come to realize I now have two moms." Emma sighed chuckling. "And one of them is my great great..." She lost count..."Great granddaughter!!"

"Good." Vance laughed. "I can't be the only one taking care of you all the time and keeping you out of trouble."

"You're taking care of me?" Emma lifted her brow.

"Sure. Why else would I stick around?" Vance winked.

"Thanks vampire Dad." Emma laughed.

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