Mentor and Pupil

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"That was nicely done Richter." Emma cleaved her sword. "I almost didn't need to step in this time."

"I was fine Emma, you didn't need to." Richter shrugged. "I had everything under control."

"Sure you did, and that vampire wanted to congratulate you with his teeth." Emma rolled her eyes. "What's rule number one?"

"Always carry your weapon with  you?" He cracked the whip. "I remembered."

"Not that. The other one. Rule number one when fighting vampires?"

Richter paused, mulling on the answer. "Always carry a silver weapon?"

"No!" Emma lightning dashed in front of Richter's face, startling him backwards a few steps. "Never let a vampire get close to you! They get close to you, you're dead! If I were a vampire I would've killed you right now. Especially since I nearly knocked you back stumbling."

"You're not a vampire." Richter smirked now unflinching.

"You're right, I'm not. I'm something even vampires fear. Something that would send them running once they realize what I am."

"And what is that?"

" Their worst nightmare." Emma  stepped back. "Don't get cocky next time, and keep your wits about you. I won't always be there to save your ass."

Richter lashed the whip playfully at Emma's side as she walked away, only for the Nephilim to grab it and yank it out of his hand. "Oh come on!!" Richter cried.

"Told you." Emma snickered. "Worst nightmare."

"Why do you have to be such a pain?" Richter  nudged her.

"Why do you have to be such a putz?" Emma quipped back at him, trying not to laugh.

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