LXXVIII. Together

Start from the beginning

Her foot stung as the hot water met her wounds, but she kept the water temperature where it was. When was the last time she had had a real, hot shower?

Sure, she had the showers in Mitch and Tiff's old camp, but somehow, this was different. Somehow, this felt real. Safe.

She stayed inside for well over an hour, just standing and relaxing under the shower head. She washed her hair twice, then used conditioner once. She scrubbed her body clean again, and again, and again. Her fingers got all wrinkly, and still, she stayed in the shower, relaxing.

For once, she felt safe. For once, she felt like when she left the bathroom, she wouldn't get jumped by dilophosauruses or Toro, or some other dinosaur that seemed hell bent on hunting her. For once, Eva could breathe again.

She took a deep breath, letting the water bounce against her hairline. Once she was satisfied, her hand found the valve blindly and shut the water off. As soon as it cut out, she used all her energy not to turn it back on. If she could, she would run a bath to stay in for hours.

Eva carefully got dressed back in her clothes— a shame she had to stay in dirty clothes when she was finally clean— and lastly pulled her Rutherford hoodie back over her head. By now, it was her biggest comfort tool. No matter what was happening, at least she would always be wrapped in a warm hoodie.

One look around the cupboards and she found a brand new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste. Eva didn't hesitate to brush her teeth twice for good measure. The last time had been over a week ago with only her finger as a brush.

Collapsing on her bed— her bed: a real, foam cushioned bed— she took a deep breath, relaxing into the space, when someone knocked on her door. "Come in," she called out, not bothering to move.

The door opened quietly, revealing her boyfriend.

"Kenji!" She greeted joyously, sitting up and raising her hands.

Kenji approached, a wide grin on his face, which was clean shaven.

Eva brushed her finger tips over his chin, "You're so soft!"

He chuckled, hands grasping at her fingers, lips pressing against her fingertips. "You got old lady hands—" Eva shoved his shoulder, falling backwards into her pillows.

"Shut up!" she laughed, mouth falling into a smile. She sat back up, shifting her weight to knees. "This is really great, Kenj. What are the odds your dad is in charge here?"

"I know," he grinned back. "I'm glad you're finally safe and out of danger. I don't know what I would have done if you had hurt yourself in another way."

Eva laced her fingers with Kenji's, bringing his hand to her chest. She fell backwards, taking Kenji down with her. "We're so close..."

Kenji turned her chin to face him, then slowly pressed his lips against her own, kissing her in full. "We're getting out of here, Angel. Together."

She smiled widely and closed her eyes, burying her head into Kenji's shoulder. He smelled as clean as Eva felt. And even though he was using a new soap, he still smelled like home to her. "Together."


Eva tried to take a nap, but Kenji coaxed her out of the room and into the dining room to meet up with the others. Eva had never seen them all so clean, nor had they all smelled so good before. They all talked excitedly among themselves, eager to be heading home so soon, well, that is until Mr. Kon stepped through the doors, a puzzled look on his face, although he was lost in thought.

"Everything okay?" Kenji asked, moving to stand in front of the table he and Eva were previously sitting at.

"Yeah," he answered dejectedly. "Just, getting rid of Kash leaves me with quite a mess to clean up. I hope you're all settling in okay."

"Why would we have to settle in?" Sammy asked.

Yasmina gravitated to her side and leaned against the table. "We're going home, right?"

"About that..." Eva's heart thudded hard in her chest. She stood quickly, silently, moving to Kenji's left. "After the Jurassic World incident, the world turned on dinosaurs." Mr. Kon crossed the floor, stopping beside Kenji's other side. "If anyone learns about this island, well, these dinosaurs, and our family, all of us, could be in a lot of trouble.

"Look, Kash's way of doing things is over, and he will pay for what he did to Mae. I know it's completely unfair to ask this of you, but if you could just give me a few days, I can arrange to get you home safely but discreetly. You know, out of the public eye."

Eva made eye contact with Yasmina, and it was like her heart was cracking in two. Neither girl wanted to be there longer than they had to.

"If not for me, do it for Kenji," Mr. Kon continued.

Eva's eyebrows furrowed. Why did this feel like a trap? Why did this feel like some type of ruse, some game Mr. Kon was playing at?

And what the hell did he mean when he said Kash would pay for what he did to Mae? If he didn't want anyone to know about the island they were on, how would Kash face the consequences of attempted murder?


"I guess,"

"Yeah, for Kenji," they all agreed.

Eva bit her tongue, holding back her thoughts, which were flying through her head, a million a minute.

"Oh, thank you so much," Mr. Kon said sincerely. "If you need anything, the BRADs can help you now. Ready to go, son?"

Kenji nodded, and the two Kon men exited the room. As soon as the door shut, Sammy spoke up. "I just think it's a little weird we can't even call our families."

"I know," Darius agreed. "But if the world really did turn on dinosaurs, then Mr. Kon is right. This place needs to be a secret for their case."

"What about our sakes?" Yasmina asked at the same time Eva murmured,

"What about us?"

"I say we ask Mae what she thinks," Ben suggested. 


guys I recently started working out which I do before bed, coincidentally when I should be updating PR, so I'm sorry for forgetting to upload lol. hope y'all enjoyed!!

with love,

- atha

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