They both huff in response. Cameron sits up and pouts at me for a moment before he looks over at Noah. Almost at the exact same time, Noah turns his head to look at Cameron.

I recoil when they share just a second of silence. I mean it. They really stare silently at each other for one second. That's all they need to decide what to do next.

I gasp and spin around the moment they both make simultaneous moves towards me. I can't help my laughter as I retreat down the hall. "No!" I cry as I run in the house exactly how I keep telling Cameron not to. Gus chases after us all, barking his little bark the whole time.

They chase me all the way to the living room. I end up dooming myself in the corner beside the couch and a lamp. They corner me with Noah in the way of my shot at the hallway and Cameron in the way of my shot at the kitchen where I'll probably end up cornered again.

There is a weak link here. I'll just have to figure it out before I make it to the next corner. The bathroom maybe. I could run at that the second Noah moves to chase me to the living room. He will move because we both can acknowledge Cameron can't hold me for long.

I give my shoulders a quick shrug, trying to shake off the nerves before I make my move. I need to do it fast. They're starting to close in on me. Even little Gus. Which is sad because I advocated for his name to be changed from either Fucker or Rex. I guess he doesn't like Gus either.

I squeal as I make a run for it right towards Cameron. Noah all but dives at me. "Grab her!" He orders our poor eight-year-old who doesn't do great under pressure. The dog just keeps on barking at all the commotion.

Cameron yelps too and throws himself at me. I let him off easy, careful not to let himself hit himself too hard on the ground on the way down. Noah's also worried about him hitting the ground too hard, because he takes two whole seconds to make sure Cameron doesn't actually fall. It's a sacrifice I take advantage of immediately. He groans when I sprint right back down the hall. They're both right behind me, but are a few seconds too late. I stumble into my bedroom and slam the door shut behind me, locking it for good measure.

"No!" Cameron whines. I'm pretty sure he's the one who tries the handle. I laugh loudly at them, pressing my shoulder against the door like that actually helps keep it shut.

My brows furrow at the sound of something dragging against the wall above. I look up to find what it is. I immediately zero in on the door frame. The very top of it, to be exact. There's nothing on my side, but on theirs, there's a key hidden on the doorframe for the door.

And Noah can reach it.

I'm quick to shoot away from the door. It's only a matter of time before his finger brushes against that key and he grabs it. The door knob jiggles some more, and my psycho of a son cackles on the other side. I dive into my open closet and try tucking myself under one of the shelves in the small room. It works, but I know it's just another corner. I'll have to run when they're checking under the bed.

At least, that's what I hope to do. That is until Noah decides to be smart for once. "Okay, you check the bed. I'll check the closet." He says.

I start looking around for something to defend myself with, but it's too late. I gasp the moment I see him step into the doorway. "Noah, wait!" I plead, pressing myself up against the wall.

"Ohh, Kiara—" He murmurs in pity. But then blinks at me. "Oh, wow. How'd you get yourself down there?" He asks curiously as he leans down. "Wow. You're really under there. That's impressive, princess."

I squeal when he catches my wrists. My own fault for holding my hands up to try and protect myself. "No! Noah, please!" I beg. I have no chance though. He drags me out from under the shelf by my wrists. Once half of my body is out, he leans down to grab me and pick me up to get me the rest of the way out. I don't go lightly, kicking and fighting to get out of his arms.

A Missed OpportunityWhere stories live. Discover now