My eyes widened with fear. He quickly pulled me off of the couch and threw me on the hardwood floor.

"Dad!" Tyler said as he jumped off the couch and held him back.

I stood up and walked back until I hit the wall.

"It's all your fault she's dead! If only you listened!" Dad yelled at me. The tears streamed down my face as he kept telling me how it was my fault. And I know it is.

"No, dad! Emily didn't kill mom. It isn't her fault she's dead," Tyler yelled at him. But he's wrong, dad's right. It was my fault.

Dad pushed Tyler away and came back to me.

"No, no, no," I said in fear as dad yanked me from my hair and smacked me, hard.

I fell to the floor and dad took another gulp from his beer.

"Dad, stop!" Tyler said as he pushed dad away from me and pulled me off the floor.

"Go to your room and lock yourself inside," Tyler said to me. I nodded as the tears ran down my cheeks.

I ran up the stairs and into my room before closing and locking the door behind me. I could hear Tyler and dad yell at each other and a few things smash and break.

I leaned on the door and slowly slid down to the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest and hid my face.

I sobbed into my legs as my body shook.

I hate it when dad does this. He goes out and gets drunk, then comes back home and beats me and blames me for mom's death. But it is my fault.

Dad's right, if only I listened.

I cried harder and hugged my legs tighter.

Then Zayn flashed through my mind and I knew he could help me.

I lifted my head and saw my phone resting on my bed. I went over to the bed and picked up my phone. I searched for Zayn's number and called it.

It rang four times before he picked up.


"Zayn," my voice cracked.

"Emily, what's wrong?" I could hear the worry and concern in his voice.

"My dad's d-drunk and h-he threw me around. Zayn-" I couldn't finished as I started sobbing again.

"Emily, baby, it's okay. You don't have to cry, I'm coming to get you. Just hold on, okay? I'm coming," he said. I could hear his door closing.

I sucked in a breath. "Okay."

"Please don't cry," he spoke softly. I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me.

He kept talking and trying to calm me down as he drove over here.

"Okay, I'm outside. I'm coming in," he said. I looked out my window and I saw Zayn get out of his car and walk to the front door.

"No, Zayn. You can't come in. My dad and Tyler are downstairs."

"I'm not letting you go downstairs on your own." I was about to say something else when the line went dead.

I rushed out of my room and heard the front door open. There was silence and I rushed downstairs and saw Zayn in the doorway and Tyler and dad were staring at him. Zayn wore a hard expression on his face as he looked at dad.

I looked around and saw glasses and vases broken on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler asked Zayn.

Help Me // z.m Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt