I cried for days

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I cried and cried and couldn't stop crying
I felt the hot tears on my cheeks and it made me even sadder
What was I even crying about?

I knew the answer but I couldn't ever say it out loud.
I wish I could tell you all about it but I don't want to put it into words,
I know I'd just cry even more.

I cry myself to sleep each and every night,
My eyes are red, my cheeks are wet.
And I still miss you.

It's been two months without you
It feels like half a year.
I don't remember what it was like,
To be with you
To talk to you
To laugh with you

I cried and cried and I'm still crying
My heart aches for you.
I promise I'll live my life the fullest

I promise I'll be okay someday
And I'll stop crying,
But I'll never forget you.
I love you, forever.

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