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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! No please! Wake up! I- I love you too... please!" Techno begged the girl in his arms to wake up again. It didn't work. "Techno!" A male voice shouted behind Techno but the pink haired didn't respond. He just held the girl closer. "Techno! Wha-" It was Wilbur who had shouted his name again but he had stopped as he saw the girl in Technos arms. Her body was limb and his body shook as silent tears ran over his face.

Wilbur got closer to them and saw another person laying next to them. The dark haired male was surely dead, with a big stab wound. "Techno... what happened?" Wilbur asked and tried to get (Y/N) out of his grip to see if she was still alive. He tried to hold his tears. Techno was not able to respond.

"Techno. The war is over. We won!" Tommy then shouted from further back running towards them. He had dirt on his face and his armor was scratched and partly broken. As soon as Tommy saw (Y/N) he stopped completely. "I-Is she a-alive?" he asked shocked. Wilbur tried to find her pulse on her wrist as he didn't want to touch the cut on her neck. "She is. But we have to stop the bleeding and bring her back now!" Wilbur said and Techno looked up. She was alive! She lived!

As if he had found new strength he took off his cape that he wore during the battle and tied it tightly around her injured leg to make the bleeding stop. The wound on her neck wasn't as severe so they didn't have to worry about that right now.

Techno got up and began to carry her back to the kingdom as fast as possible. It took a while but eventually they arrived and (Y/N) got taken to the hospital wing of the castle. They also took Techno as he had an injury on his side that had to be treated.

Techno didn't protest, nor did he say anything. His thoughts were with (Y/N). He hoped he wouldn't lose her. Not again.

When a nurse had bandaged him up, he walked to the room they said (Y/N) was in. She was laying on the bed, still unconscious. Techno sat down next to her and took her hand into his. It was warm, which was a signal to him that she wasn't dead.

"You scared me..." He whispered and kissed the back of her hand. "The doctors said she won't be awake for the next couple hours." Phil came in. Techno looked up and nodded. "I know but I have to stay by her side"

"How are Wilbur and Tommy?" He asked to get around the previous subject. "They are okay.. A bit shaken up by everything but they are not severely injured they did well" Phil had a faint smile on his lips.

Techno nodded again.

His stomach growled. "Dinner is ready in the dining hall. Come on and eat with me." Phil waved Techno towards him. Techno was torn between him and his (Y/N). He didn't want to leave her.

He sighed. "Alright" was his answer and they went to the dining hall. Wilbur and Tommy sat at their usual places and looked at their plates. "How are you?" Techno asked himself as he sat down. "Fine I guess. How is (Y/N)?" Wilbur answered and Tommy looked at me as well. "She won't be awake for a couple hours longer but she will wake up." I said. "I'm glad. How are you?" Tommy asked then which surprised Techno a bit. He himself hadn't even thought about that until now.

How was he? "Nothing to worry about." He just said and shrugged it off. He had been injured before. The royals nodded and ate, which he did as well. "Who was the man you and (Y/N) had fought against?" Wilbur asked as he remembered the dark haired male who had laid next to (Y/N) on the ground.

"It was the prince of the amethyst empire." Techno replied plainly. Wilbur almost choked. "You have killed the prince of the amethyst empire?" He said shocked. "No. (Y/N) has." he corrected him.

After dinner Technoblade went back to (Y/N)s temporary room just to see her starting to wake up. "(Y/N)? Im here." He said and rushed to her side. He took her hand into his again and held it close to his cheek.

"Techno?" She asked weakly. "Yes. Yes (Y/N) it's me. I'm here." He couldn't describe the amount of relieve he felt during this moment. "My leg hurts..." She mumbled. "You got stabbed remember?" Techno tried to make her remember. She nodded and finally opened her eyes to look at him.

"I- I killed him..." she whispered. Technoblade nodded and kissed the back of her hand. "I-I'm alive" she said then again and the pink haired male nodded again.

"You scared me there. Don't ever do that again." He buried his face in the sheets of the covers. She let her fingers run through his open pink hair to which he replied with a sigh. "I won't" she smiled.

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