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The days went by like this and it was pretty exhausting to be honest. But in the end it is worth it because Techno and I could see big improvements. The soldiers were now more skilled than before and the princes weren't as exhausted after training, even though we weren't going as easy on them as before.

War was now pretty close. Only a week or so and we would have to stand on the battlefield and fight for the kingdom. I was nervous for the first time. I would face my family. Or at least my brother, since he would definitely fight as well.

I sighed before continuing to train the ones that were on the battlefield for the first time. I looked around. They all fought well by now and I was hoping that none of them had to die out there. The training was over now and everyone walked away. I looked around and saw Techno still standing in a corner and watching as the people left.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him. He was silent for a while. "Those people shouldn't have to fight."

I nodded thinking the same. "Come on let's eat something." I said and took his hand to drag him to the dining hall. We didn't let go of each others hand until we opened the doors of the hall.

We sat down and ate. Everyday the tension during meals is getting more and more. You could feel that the upcoming war had its effects on everyone. Tommy wasn't as loud anymore, Wilbur was even quieter than usual and there was a dark shade under his eyes. Philza didn't even look up from his food when someone entered the hall.

I was used to this. The worries and anxiety before a war and the sadness or happiness after. When dinner was over we left the hall and Techno and I went to the training area. There we were training like the other days.

"Everybody has improved really quickly." Techno stated as he tried to his my right shoulder. I blocked the hit. "Yeah. That's good. Hopefully it'll be enough though."

Techno aimed for my side now and I wasn't able to block it. Luckily though we were just training with wooden swords. Nonetheless the impact was painful and i fell to the ground, holding my side.

"You alright?" Techno asked me and I could hear concern in his voice. "I'm fine." I said and got up again, grabbing my sword. We were fighting for a while longer until we both were out of breath. It ended in a draw.

We were sitting on the ground leaning against the wall. It was silent. I thought about the time when we had trained everyday together. Most of the times we were sitting just like now because we both had to catch our breath. We had laughed about how our fight almost allways ended in a draw.

"It's a draw again..." I said silently but he understood. "It is." I could hear his smile and i smiled as well. Maybe it could be like it used to be.

"I'm getting tired." I yawned and got up. He did the same and we walked towards our rooms. "Goodnight blood god." I said sarcastically. "Good night princess." He smiled and bowed referencing to me being the princess of the amethyst empire.

I fell asleep quickly just to wake up early to train again. After breakfast we trained with the princes. i was training with Wilbur. We began our fight and he got pretty good. Our fights were getting longer and his movements were more controlled and strategic.

After two hours we took a break and watched Tommy and Techno fight. "You and Techno are getting closer again." Wilbur mentioned. I nodded slightly and watched Technos movements. We watched for a while longer and then went back to training. After lunch we were training the soldiers and after dinner Techno and I were training again.

Our swords were hitting loudly against each other and we were scanning the others movements. "They are afraid." Techno said in between hits. "The princes?" Techno nodded as an answer.

"But who wouldn't be if they were in their position?" I tried to hit his shoulder wich didn't work. Techno didn't say anything back. "Are you scared?" I asked him.

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