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"How was the training?" King Philza asked after we sat down at the table, where only King Philza was sitting at the moment.

"It ended in a draw." Techno answered, looking at him. Phil laughed as he listened. "Then you must be pretty skilled Saturn! Nobody ever was able to stand his fighting skills for even ten minutes." The king smiled at me. I nodded. Of course I was good, if I weren't then I would've been dead by now.

The doors flung open and the blonde Prince entered the room panting. "Ready for lunch!" He shouted enthusiasticly to which I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry father. We didn't mean to be late for lunch." Prince Wilbur apologised for both of them for being late. "It doesn't matter as long as you're here now." The king smiled at his oldest son.

"Phil you should really teach Tommy some discipline." Techno said and I was confused about the closeness that was in-between them. Right now they seemed as if they knew each other for a long time.

"I know I know." Phiza sighed but still wore a soft smile on his lips.

"I have discipline Techno!" The youngest Prince shouted at the first Knight shocked. Technoblade only huffed but he seemed somewhat soft while doing that. I was really confused.

"So what have you been doing until now? Was it your sword I was hearing while reading?" Prince Wilbur asked Techno as the situation had calmed down. Technoblade nodded.

"I was training with Knight Saturn." He answered formally. Now Wilbur looked at me and back at him again. "How did it go?" He asked more questions. "It ended in a draw. Your father did a good job with picking her as the second Knight."  Techno watched me as he told the nosy Prince what had happened while they were not with them.

I didn't smile at the praise of the pink haired male but I felt good on the inside for getting a praise. When you were known for being one of the best fighters, people expect you being good and they don't praise you. They just take the fact that you're good.

"I promised you a tour through our castle yesterday didn't I?" The king asked towards me and I nodded. "Our maids are busy today. I'm sure Prince Wilbur would like to show you around during the afternoon." It was an unspoken request at Wilbur who nodded as a response.

"I would be more that glad to show you everything Knight Saturn." He smiled slightly just like his father always does.

I noticed Technoblade looking at me from his place. As I looked at him he didn't even hide the fact that he was watching me and just continued doing it. Our eyes met for a few seconds and I remembered the time I spent with him a couple years ago.

I missed it. Even though it wasn't the best situation at that time, we were there for each other. Now it felt distant and cold. We both had changed. We both learned things the hard way.

Now everything that was left was cold, monotone and distant.

A sigh escaped my lips as I broke the eye contact between us.

"Follow me Saturn." The oldest Prince demanded after lunch was over and we began to walk through the castle. "So right now we are in the part of the castle where the maids and other employees are sleeping and living. Like you can see on the numbers of rooms those are many." Wilbur began talking and pointing towards the rooms as we were walking by.

"Here are our rooms as you probably know. The first one is from father, the second is Technos, the third is mine the fourth Tommy's and then there is yours." He explained further in detail to which I just listened and nodded. 

"Here is the throneroom" we were walking into the big room where I was introduced to Technoblade yesterday. Today nobody was sitting in the relatively large throne so you could see the green accents that were on it. The same green tone he was wearing most of the time.

"So I can see thar your colour is purple. Any meaning behind that or just a liking?" He asked while I was looking around the room. I stopped in my movements and turned towards the young Prince.

"It doesn't matter." I said coldly, not ready to let him know any unnecessary information. "I'm sorry for asking. I just thought I could get to know you a little since you're the second Knight now." He apologised and I could see a hint of hurt in his warm eyes.

"I like the color. It reminds me of something." I just answered while turning to leave the room.

Prince Wilbur followed after me and continued the tour. "This is the last thing I wanted to show you. Its the garden of our castle." He gestured towards a glass door which separated the inside of the castle to the outside.

We walked out into the garden and I looked around. Everything was colourful. The flowers looked beautiful and the grass was the greenest I have ever seen. There were some trees and a small pond with some lily pads floating on top of the water.

"It looks rather nice." I said and Wilbur nodded his head. "Yes. Our gardeners take good care of everything." He smiled proudly looking around.

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