Alex got up to gather the necessary items for her spell while she asked the boys questions about the girl's last known whereabouts. None of it would help with her spell, but it would keep the boys from feeling absolutely useless while they tried to locate their friend. 

"You know, this is a simple enough spell. Why didn't you just get Bonnie to do it? It would've taken a lot less time." She grabbed a large metal bowl off the top of one of her bookshelves, carelessly dumping its random contents onto her bed before returning to the kitchen counter.

"We did. But Damon doesn't trust Bonnie." Stefan answered for his brother. "I tried to tell him we could trust her when it came to finding Elena, but he insisted on coming to you." If she didn't know any better, she might've bothered to be offended by the disgruntled tone of the younger Salvatore.

"Well, I agree with pretty boy here. D. Bonnie cares enough about Elena to be helpful there," Alex responded, grabbing a map from a shelf and a large dark wooden board from behind her chair.

"Yes, but I also said I believed she could do a more accurate job at finding her," Damon added in his defense, shooting a look at his brother.

"Why, Mr. Salvatore, I didn't know you thought so highly of me," Alex teased with her best southern accent as she set the large board on her counter. "If I had known that, I never would've said those awful things about you." Her playful demeanor let Damon know nothing had been said to anyone, but he sent her an offended scoff anyway. Grabbing a piece of chalk, she began drawing out a sigil on the wooden board.

"Where did Bonnie's map say she was?" Alex asked, not looking up from her work.

"Um, Reidsville, North Carolina," Stefan absentmindedly answered, tilting his head to look at what she was drawing. "What are you doing?"

Ignoring the question, Alex tossed the chalk aside and grabbed the map. Unfolding it, she found the enlarged, more detailed inset map of Reidsville. Ripping it out, she placed it on one side of the large board. She grabbed the metal bowl and placed it on the sigil before starting to add the herbs she had collected.

"Umm, that's not what Bonnie did at all. What exactly are you doing?" Damon asked, cautious curiosity radiating off his person. Alex gave him a confident reassuring smile.

"Bonnie would've used blood and a map to get you a general location, right?" She asked, swirling the contents of the bowl. With the boys' nods in agreement, she continued. "That's what I figured. It's a great spell, unfortunately, as you already mentioned, it's not very pin point accurate. This spell should give you a location down to the cross street where she's at."

"If it's that accurate, why didn't Bonnie just perform this spell instead?" Damon questioned, sending Stefan a scowl.

"Because she wouldn't know it," Alex answered simply.

"Her grandmother, also a witch, taught her everything she knows. She'd have known this spell or at least have access to it." Damon's ire and distrust of the Bennett witch was beginning to grow. Alex could feel the increase of tension rising in him with every word he spoke.

"Calm down, Salvatore," Alex reassured him with a gentle squeeze of his arm. "She wouldn't know this one because as far as she, or her grandmother, is concerned, this spell doesn't exist." She gave the confused boys a smirk. "I'm a Winchester, remember? I'm not from this world." Turning back to the bowl and map in front of her, Alex combined the final ingredients and quietly said the necessary Latin words. Though the sigil wasn't the main part of the original spell, Alex had found that adding the Enochian symbol she'd drawn in chalk helped to make her spells more accurately detailed.

After she finished the incantation she dumped the mix onto the map, saying the final words of the incantation. The three of them watched, the boys with wide eyes, as the map burst into flames, burning up until only a small space remained. Picking it up, Alex handed it over to the Salvatore brothers. "The exact location of Elena."

The boys stood there gobsmacked for a moment, eyes not leaving the witch. Damon moved first, taking the piece of map before giving her quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you before turning back to his brother.

She turned to clean up the mess made from the charred map and herbs. Grabbing the large wooden board, she paused, her fingers gingerly tracing the Enochian symbol. Castiel. She wondered what he had thought about her sudden disappearance. Did he care that she was suddenly gone? Did either of the boys?

The softest of whispers caused Alex's attention to snap back to her apartment, her senses and magic on high alert. She spun back towards the boys, wondering if they'd heard anything. They stood huddled together over the piece of map, searching up the directions to the location on their phones. Damon, feeling her eyes on him, looked up, his eyes frowning slightly at her concerned look.

What the hell had that been? Her eyes scanned the large open studio apartment she stood in. Not moving, she threw out a wave of her magic, scanning her apartment and the shop below for any source of the whisper she'd just heard. Nothing was detected aside from the three of them stood there.

Shaking her head clear of the intruding thoughts, she grabbed a wet cloth and washed the sigil from her board before placing it back behind her large chair. As she finished cleaning up the remnants of the spell, she noticed Damon and Stefan participating in a strongly whispered disagreement. Clearing her throat, both boys' heads shot in her direction.

"Aren't you two pretty boys supposed to be saving the damsel in distress somewhere else?"

Damon gave Stefan a meaningful look that she didn't quite understand before turning to her with a smile that blatantly suggested he had just won whatever they'd been arguing about or discussing. "We want you to come with us."

"What? Um, why?"

Stefan ran a frustrated hand through his perfectly shaped hair. How did it stay in place? Was there a supernatural hair product she wasn't aware of? "We could use your help. We aren't exactly sure what we're going up against and it would be helpful to have a witch on our side."

"A beautiful, mysterious, and very powerful witch," Damon corrected his brother with a smirk.

"Flattery? Stooping so low already, Salvatore?" Alex tossed the now clean bowl onto her bed next to the junk she'd dumped out of it. Dusting off her hands, she grabbed her shoes and shoulder bag. It's not like sleep was coming any time soon.

She followed the boys out, locking her doors with an added measure of magic behind them. Climbing into the back seat of the car, she snuggled down into her hoodie and leaned her head against the window as she prepared for the three hour ride.

As she watched the landscape fly past, her thoughts wandered back to the whisper she had heard.

If she hadn't known better, she would've thought she had heard Cas calling her name.

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