ch. 9

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chapter 9 — eastward bound

today was the day. it was finally time to say goodbye to colter.

(y/n) and arthur had just come back from the train that they had previously robbed and saw that the wagons were now being loaded and prepared for their travels to wherever the hell they were going. (y/n) heard miss grimshaw complaining to mary-beth, saying, "oh, for lord's sake. put that book away and go help. oh.. mary-beth."

(y/n) and arthur dismounted their horses and approached dutch and hosea, who were discussing where they were headed, "so, we getting out of this hellhole?" arthur asked, "we're gonna try, weather seems stable." dutch responded. thank god the storm was now over, now there was nothing stopping them from leaving.

"and we just robbed a leviticus cornwall train." hosea reminded, he didn't really sound happy with what they did. he then turned to the girl next to arthur, "i heard that you were involved with it too, young lady."

"it's fine, i'm completely unharmed." (y/n) shrugged, not really seeing the problem with her involvement in the robbery. before hosea could argue back with her, dutch interrupted, "it doesn't matter, we got money in our pockets.. the worst is behind us, gentleman and lady. so the question is, where now?"

"i know this country a little," hosea stated, "i told you, we should set up camp in horseshoe overlook near valentine." he continued.

"horseshoe overlook," (y/n) thought to herself, "doesn't sound so bad."

"we'll be able to hide out there no problem, as long as we keep our noses clean." hosea finished, "well then, let's go. clean noses and everything else." dutch said enthusiastically, then pointed to the wagon next to them, "arthur, you're in that one, bring hosea. i know you two like to talk about the good old days, and what's gone wrong with old dutch."

"any room for me in the back there?" (y/n) asked as the men went over to the wagon. arthur checked the back, but it appeared to be full of cargo, "sorry, kid. you're gonna have to ride in a different wagon, or ride your own horse, up to you."

(y/n) huffed in disappointment and asked around to see if there was any spare room for her in the other wagons, she was met with more disappointment when she learned that there wasn't. so in the end, she rode her horse near her father's wagon.

as they finally left colter and got out of the snowy mountains, (y/n) couldn't help but be in awe at the beautiful greenery that surrounded her. it was nice to be in a different scenery and environment after so long, it was refreshing to her.

the gang travelled through west elizabeth and ambarino, then finally entered new hanover. they were travelling through a stream, when suddenly the wheel of arthur and hosea's wagon came off, which caused it to collapse and cargo to fall out, which spooked (y/n)'s horse a bit.

"ah, shit!" arthur exclaimed, followed by hosea's calmness, "okay.. let's take a look."

"everything alright back there?" bill asked as arthur and hosea got off the wagon to take a look at what happened, "does everything look alright?" arthur asked in frustration.

"well, what's going on?" javier asked, then arthur yelled out in annoyance, "i broke the goddamn wheel!" it was stupid, but it made (y/n) stifle a laugh.

"alright, let's get it fixed." hosea said, "you need help?" (y/n) questioned as she saw charles go over to help out, but hosea shut her down respectfully, "i reckon we can handle it." he then continued, talking to charles and arthur this time, "alright, charles, you and me hold the thing up while you try and put the wheel back on, arthur."

arthur then picked the wheel up from the ground and rolled it over to the wagon, while hosea and charles held it up for him, "you still strong enough to hold up a wagon?" arthur asked teasingly.

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