ch. 5

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chapter 5 — old friends

another day in boring, cold colter. everybody couldn't wait to finally leave and find a camp elsewhere, especially (y/n).

john was now recovering from the wolf attack, surrounded by gang members 24/7, mainly abigail.

"when will we get out of here? i swear i'm starting to see icicles forming under my arms." (y/n) complained as she and arthur walked to a cabin "soon, kid. i promise you." he replied.

"you know, despite it being absolutely freezing and boring up here, there's some things i kinda like about it. i know i complain a lot, but at least the snow is beautiful, we have roofs over our heads, and pinkerton's aren't chasing us like dogs." (y/n) said, while also looking around the camp.

"yeah, i guess you're right. hosea said we'll be out of here soon." arthur said, then the two entered a cabin which micah, bill and lenny were also in.

"i don't know what's up with you boys, because i thought you liked action," micah spoke to lenny and bill "couple of days on the lam.. and you lot have turned yella."

arthur then gestured to micah to pass him a beer, to which micah did. he didn't even bother asking (y/n) if she wanted anything, which pissed her off a bit.

"apart from you of course." micah continued, referring to lenny this time "shut up, micah." lenny replied.

"i ain't never seen so many long faces." micah complained as javier entered the cabin, to which (y/n) answered "do you blame us? we've been stuck on a mountain covered in deep snow for ages."

"exactly," bill agreed "besides, i guess.. i guess folks miss them.. that fell."

"well, when i fall, i don't want no fuss." micah said, then lenny replied with "when you fall.. there'll be a party." which earned a laugh from both bill and (y/n), arthur lighting up a cigarette while everyone laughed.

"a party.. probably." bill laughed, which made micah stand up while looking annoyed at him "that funny, huh?" he asked "sure." bill said.

after that, micah punched bill in the face, which gained a "ooh" from (y/n). bill gets back up to fight back, but was stopped by arthur, javier and lenny.

"awh, i wanted to see the fight." (y/n) said with a sigh while crossing her arms "shut up, (y/n)." arthur said back.

"maybe i don't like being laughed at by the likes of you two." micah said, pointing to bill and (y/n). suddenly, dutch bursted through the door into the cabin.

"stop it! now!" he exclaimed, then stopped javier from leaving the cabin "you fools punching each other.. when colm o'driscoll's needing punching, hard!"

arthur then left the cabin with (y/n) under his arm, dutch following them "you wanna sit around waiting for him to come find us? all of you, we got work to do. come on" dutch called out to the gang.

"what work do i have? i'm fourteen." (y/n) said with a sigh, feeling bored.

"well, you could come with us," dutch replied with a shrug "i think it's about time you learned how to use a rifle." that immediately lifted (y/n)'s spirits.

"are you sure about this, dutch?" arthur asked, to which dutch replied with a "yes."

"folks have been through a lot recently.. we hardly back on our feet yet." arthur continued "and the last thing we need is to get buckwashed by colm o'driscoll," dutch replied as he patted arthur on the back "let's go."

everyone then headed for their horses, (y/n) immediately mounting hers.

"i know you hate him, dutch." arthur said as he and dutch went to their horses.

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