Pantheon VS Bad Timers

Start from the beginning

Inside were dozens of jars of a strange orangish liquid. He picked one up and got ready to pop the top off. "Hey!"

That caused Demonica to come to a stop. She dropped one of the men she had been holding, her head twisting all the way around until it stared at him.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" Demonica didn't even give him a chance. She was on him, and despite the fact it was a mere flick, the attack threw him through the air, and he smashed back first into the metal wall.

The villain raised her hand up charging up a bolt of hellish fire, ready to vaporize the poor man on the spot. That was when Kevin did one of the dumbest things in his life. As a mere mortal, he leaped out from behind the box and sucker-punched the Super!

The fire on Demonica seemed to freeze, just as the woman did. The attack did nothing, although it absolutely caught the woman off guard. Her eyes darted up to the tall boy who forfeited his life. Kevin stood there shaking but brought his arms up, ready to fight.

"Super or not! I'll fight you!" Kevin never got to even try. One of the Wandering Coin goons fired his gun. The bullet hit Demonica, literally bounced off her skin, and stabbed into Kevin. He gasped and fell over, clutching at his gut wound in shock. "What just happened?"

Demonica let out a snort and brought her foot up, about to simply crush his head. Kevin closed his eyes as the limb came down! Despite having his eyes closed, he was able to see the bright flash of gold and the scream Demonica made that caused all gunfire to cease.

He opened his eyes and saw the mighty Super was shaking rapidly as if she had just been hit with the mother of all tasers.

"Cinder, the thugs! Snowdawn, deal with the fire." A voice announced from up top. Kevin looked up with wide eyes. Heroes. Just like in the comic, they had arrived at the perfect moment. One was dressed in all red, and he glowed with a golden aura. He was the one barking out the orders.

The one in blue, a young girl with a metal helmet, dropped from the roof and tried to land a superhero pose. She fumbled a bit but managed to stay on her feet. Her hands flew out in awkward slapping motions, and any poor goon that got hit by her attack was smashed into the ground, knocked out, and most sporting a broken jaw.

After her was a strange snowman thing, it was covered head to toe in frost, and as it dropped, it held its hands down, creating layers of water and snow that formed into a cushion as it landed. It instantly got to work, blasting snow at the many sets of pillars that had ignited, putting them out.

The man in red was the last to drop down, doing so just as Demonica recovered. The villain hissed and threw out a punch at lightning-like speeds, but the hero caught her fist. Demonica stared in shock as the lower half of the man's face twisted into a smirk. "Let's talk. Speedster, to Speedster." And with that, Battery rammed his fist into the woman's face as fast as he could, blasting her to the other side of the room and through the wall!

Kevin stared up in shock at the man in red. "Did you come to save me?"

Battery didn't answer, pointing his hand at the villain, who was already getting back up. "Bang." A blast of golden light exploded out, causing all the goons and the villain to scream as the brilliant light burned into their retinas.

Cinder smacked goon after goon, moving through the horde of enemies. Her arms came up as she blocked a large man wielding some kind of automatic rifle. The bullets caused her to wince and shake at the thudding impacts, but they didn't pierce her costume. She gave a small smirk and punched the man in the gut, causing him to drop instantly.

"You know, fighting normal guys is a lot more fun than Supers."

"You've fought a Super before?" The voice of Whisper asked, going through the communication device Cinder wore.

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