Start from the beginning

Feeling his cold fingertips against your warm skin as you let out a heavy breath before he stretched his other hand to unhook the clasp from the jump ring.

Feeling his breaths getting heavy as his skin skimmed against yours while you could feel your stomach churching with his fragile touch as you clamped your lower lip within your teeth when he took a glance at your face in the mirror, taking a glance at your lips.

Tracing the soft bare skin of your nape, you heard his sonorous voice which came out deep in the serenity, “Cela me donne envie de les embrasser à fond. Do you remember this sentence?” He asked, locking his cocoa orbs with your hazel ones.

“Yeah.” You nodded twice at him as he leaned in towards you while you didn't even move an inch but your heart flipped on its position making you part your lips.

You let out a heavy breath as he took a glance at the clasp which was stuck in the jump ring.

You let in a heavy breath as you watched him digging his head near your nape making your breath hitch at the exact moment while you felt his cold breath trickling down your nape and back.

Clamping the clasp of the locket with his canine teeth while your heart skyrocketed at the feeling making you close your eyes at his irresistible touch.

You gulped down as he took a glance at your reflection in the mirror, it was a glamorous vista for him.

Detaching the clasp from the jump ring with a light pull, you both heard the metal jiggling against your skin as he slid the locket out of your neck before you clamped your lower lip, trying to stop the urge to moan his name out.

Feeling him placing his palms on your either shoulder as you sensed him leaning in beside your profile before you heard him whispering, “It makes me want to kiss your lips all the way.” His voice reached the shell of your ear as you let out a deep breath, “This is what I meant that morning.” He declared in a whisper.

Feeling his chest against your back as you felt his heart beating in a rare speed while you tried to control your adrenaline rush before he glided his palm downward your lower arms and wrists, sending shivers down your spine while his biceps contracted.

“Taehyung…” You moaned out his name, unwittingly before he intertwined both of his hand fingers with yours making your heart skyrocket as you opened your eyes to look at him as he was already gazing in your orbs.

“Mark me all yours, please.” You whispered as he crossed your intertwined hands around your stomach, gazing into your shimmering orbs, holding the desire within.

His heart surely fluttered hearing those words coming out of your mouth as he declared, “As my woman says.” Feeling the butterflies tickling your heart, going down your stomach you felt your heart accelerating.

Sensing him digging his head down to your shoulder, you could feel his soft plumpy petals against your skin as you tilted your head to a side before resting it on his shoulder and closing your eyes shut.

Feeling his lips going up to the side of your neck as he left pecks on your warm skin making your adrenaline gush as the hold on his intertwined fingers stiffened just as he propped his lips over your jaw while your heart skyrocketed at the exact moment.

The heavy breath filled the serenity ambience which was only hearable to you both. Your eyebrows crumpled when you felt him nibbing onto your jaw as you pushed your head further on his shoulder.

A groan left your throat when you felt him sucking onto your neck as his teeth nibbed onto the already red spot.

“Let it out, Princess. I wanna hear it.” Nibbing onto the strawberry scented skin, he licked onto it with the tip of his tongue as he leisurely loosened the clutch around your arms and fingers, “I can't get enough of you.” He whispered before lifting you in his sturdy arms as you wrapped your hands around his neck.

Looking at his profile as his grip stiffened around your thighs and back before he walked out of the closet as you were met with the murky ambience with one of the lamps radiating amber rays.

Feeling him placing your back on the fluffy mattress while he leaning in towards you, hovering you.

Not leaving his neck from your clutch, while his visage was aligned with yours as he slipped his hand on your hips and the other one was on your nape, “Taehyung, I want to give myself to you.” You whispered as he looked at you with his dark orbs, holding desire gazing through your gleaming orbs.

Feeling his warm breath on your upper lips as he wiggled his orbs with your while his milky skin shimmering under the amber rays of the lamp deposited on the bedside table. Your breathings were heavy yet you knew that you wanted him.

“If you give yourself to me this once, I am not gonna let you go ever.” He whispered against your lips making your breath uneven and heavy before slipping his hand on your nape and the other one held the back of your thighs.

Leaning in towards your neck, he tucked your damp tresses off your neck before he heard you, “I just wanna be yours.” You whispered in a low voice as his eyes twinkled in the moonlight penetrating through the glazed window with the tint of amber.

As your breath got heavy, you could feel him skimming his lips over yours before devouring over them as you could feel his breath on your upper lips while his hand slowly slid on your back which was holding your nape.

Tilting your head a bit as you tried to sync your lips with him with your closed eyes as your hand reached on his shoulders as you marked his skin with your not so big nails, leaving traces. Sensing his other hand massaging your upper thighs.

Gliding his slender fingers into your tresses, he rubbed your scalp as you opened your eyes when he left your lips for a second before attaching his lips again, promptly making you close your eyes in pleasure as your hand fell on the pillow beneath your head.

Sliding his hand to find yours which was resting on the pillow beside your head, he intertwined his slender fingers with yours without breaking the kiss.

You could feel the mattress digging in as he had straddled your physique with his knees on either side of you, hovering you while you dug your fingers through the forest of his black silky locks.

Feeling your adrenaline gushing as you could sense your stomach churning as you felt your inner twitching.

The temperature of your body was going high as you could feel the warmth and heat around your groin as his lips devoured yours.

You could feel his tongue slipping in your mouth as your tongue collided with his while he sucked onto it as you could feel the burning sensation across your lower abdomen making you moan at the sensation. Sensing his lower bottom touching yours.

He pulled your head up from the pillow with his other hand to have a better access to your lips while your heart beated along with his. He could feel the cold sweat of drops preceding his forehead and temple along with his exposed body.

Probing the already loose knotted belt of your robe on your waist, he slowly pulled it open as the tips of his cold fingers trailed your abdomen making you moan leaving your lips before he declared, “I am gonna make you mine in all measures. You are mine to worship, mine to spoil and mine to f*ck.” Taehyung whispered against your lips with his fingers trailing up on your groin.

“Then f*ck me like I am all yours.” You whispered with your heavy breathings, gazing straight in his orbs before he simpered and devoured you again.

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now