First day at Camp

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This fiction is requested by AwesWadd and the update schedules will probably be around 1 a week since I have my other fiction to work on

I was being nursed to health by a blonde with stormy grey eyes, "Hello?" I called out "What do you know about the Winter Solstice?" Said the blonde before I everything went dark

"Hello young one...." Said a dark voice
"Is someone there? I asked. "Don't worry you'll find out what's happening to you soon enough...soon enough.." the voice trailed off and I woke up with a jerk and covered in sweat.

"Who was that guy?" I mumbled "whatever it was probably nothing", It looked to be around midday when I finally got out of whatever infirmary like room I was in.

When I reached outside I saw a man not so familiar sitting on the porch and playing poker with Mr. Brunner, and I saw the same blonde with grey eyes that was nursing me looking off into the distance.

Her words rang in my mind. "What do you know about the winter solstice?" My best thought was "Something big happened" and then nothing else made sense.

"Mr. Brunner?" I asked "Percy! I see you have woken up, how are you feeling?" He asked. "Well I am doing alright of course I could be better but I had the strangest dream last night...." I trailed off.

"Percy that was not a dream, everything that happened was real." He said "My moms gone?" I asked quietly
"I am afraid so Percy, but you need not to worry there should be a way to get her back" He said

"Well, Hopefully it's soon I miss her, anyways who is the blond that fed me something yesterday? I asked.  "Annabeth Chase, Daughter of  Athena she feels you may be necessary at some point for her" Mr. Brunner said, "Necessary? What's that supposed to mean Mr. Brunner?" I asked. "Please just call me Chiron and it is not in my knowledge as to why she feels this way but you should go thank her for helping you" Chiron said

I walked over and said "Hi, I heard your name was Annabeth and I would like to thank you for healing me"
She said "You drool in your sleep" "I have been told this many times before, anyways I was coming to thank you and if you don't want my gratitude then I can just go?" I said, She just rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Oh such a nice person" I said. "Oh wait she's my tour guide!" I ran to catch up. "Took you awhile" she said
"Not my fault my brain sucks sometimes" I said
"If you were better educated then maybe..." she mumbled

"Anyways continue with the tour" I said "I'm not giving you a tour I'm just taking you to your cabin" She said. "Fine then take me to my cabin" I said

She walked over to a cabin with many campers inside of it most of which had elfish features and a sly grin.

"You sure I belong here?" I asked. "Hermes cabin welcomes all campers unclaimed" she said. "Unclaimed?" I asked "if your godly parent hasn't claimed you as theirs then you stay here, most campers don't get claimed so they stay here most of the time" Annabeth said

"That's kinda sad but I guess I'm gonna have to stay in this cabin forever as I'm not an important enough child to get noticed by my dad" I said

"Well then enjoy your stay and hopefully I don't see you again" she said and walked away

"Likewise" I mumbled "Well you will probably see her a lot so better get used to her" a voice said from behind. "Who are you?" I said turning around "Luke Castellan, Head Counselor, Son of Hermes" he said

"Nice to meet you, I'm Percy Jackson" I said "I know" he said and grinned he must have noticed my look of confusion because he then said, "it's not everyday a new camper comes in and kills the Minotaur with no training" He said "Oh, people know about that?" I asked
"Did you not see the stares when you were walking over here?" He asked

"No I was not paying attention" I said "oh, well you're pretty popular among the campers" Luke said. I groaned "Good or bad?" I asked, He laughed "Both"

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