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    They were only teenagers, but they moved with a practiced speed and precision. Bounding from roof to ledge to window, the pair finally collapsed into a darkened room; the girl flicked on the lights and sat heavily on her bed.

    "As much as I appreciate you helping me sneak out of this cage, Fainwell, do you always have to make it such a workout?" Maive smiled and threw a pillow at the boy still lying flat on his back on her rug, who let out a sort of delirious giggle.

    "Did you see the look on that street vendor's face, though? Having to book it back here the hard way is a small price to pay for the sweet, sweet taste of revenge," Aedan said, dreamily.

    "I'd hardly call undercooked nuna skewers an insult worthy of such sticky revenge." Maive was suddenly reflective. "Is this it, Aed? We have fun nights in between lifeless days, and nothing ever changes?"
Aedan sat bolt upright. "Whoa whoa whoa, no. Don't talk like that! We've got destiny on our side, remember? Someday we'll make it big and make it off this shithole planet."

    "I don't know... if my dad has anything to say about it-"
    "Your dad is a greedy bastard who can swallow a hutt's tail for all I care. If he wanted his business taken over by some soulless schutta once he croaks, he should have cloned himself." Aedan was visibly worked up now, so Maive slid down to the floor to sit across from him.

    "Aedan, it's alright. I'm ok, and we're ok. Destiny, right? Tell me more."
    He exhaled, and gave his worried friend a shy smile. "Right."
    They talked long into the night.


    They were only two, but they fought like an army. Aedan was a whirlwind with his vibroblade, Maive's blaster shots rang out like lightning strikes. Their exploration of an abandoned smuggler's tunnel had seemed so promising until carnivorous beetles the size of hounds started pouring out of the walls in a feeding frenzy.

    "Aedan, if we die here, I will never forgive you!" Maive's voice belied no fear, but the situation was far from under control.

    "We got this! It's all about attrition, and I'm willing to bet we're more stubborn than these things are suicidal. As long as no Imps swing by, it'll be like we were never here."
On the other side of the swarm, a flamethrower fwoosh-ed into action, driving away the last bugs and illuminating a squad of stormtroopers. The duo dropped their weapons as the troopers filled the tunnel and began to surround them.

    Maive gritted her teeth. "You had to kriffing say something." Aedan shot her a semi-apologetic look, and stepped forward.
    "Oh wow, thanks for the assist, fellas! We would've been beetle chow if you hadn't- OUGH."        Aedan doubled over, and the squad commander who sucker punched him followed it up by slamming Aedan onto the ground.

    "Don't touch him! Do you know who I am? I-" Maive was cut off by a single bolt, aimed at the ground an inch from her feet.

    "We know you're Deegan's girl, and we know about your exploits with this trash," the commander spat. "Your father gave us two tasks: show you the error of your ways..." He squatted and put his pistol to Aedan's temple. "...and remove the error."
    A trooper behind Maive kicked her legs out from under her. The pressure in the tunnel seemed to build, and Aedan screamed like a dying animal. The stormtroopers flew in random directions as if an invisible explosion had gone off. The commander was flattened against the dirt, and Aedan was on his feet almost too fast to process. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a thin, silver cylinder.
    "Aedan, what...?" Maive was on her feet, untouched by what had happened. Aedan half-turned before igniting his lightsaber; the fury in his eyes made him almost unrecognizable.

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