⭐️Creation of a savior ☀️

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Short explanation is that Sabre is similar to how Orange/Rainbow was created, which was by a crystal. A special type of crystal.
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Centuries ago a magical crystal formed. Though ere are many magic crystal, the chromatic crystals. This crystal in particular is special the reason of its creation and purpose is [redacted].

Though one day the crystal made itself into a being . . a person.


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A person made from pure manna and magic opened their eyes, which was a beautiful blue and green variant. The person was in a semi light cave, it could see vines and plants in the cave growing. Some of vines and plants glowed, there were stalactites on the ceiling and ground of the cave. They could hear water dripping from the ceiling, and there were puddles of water on the ground.


Days have passed since the beings creation. It has been surviving with the resources in its area that is its home or what they call it their nest. The creature is laying in a makeshift bed that is just soft vines and cloth made into a nest shape. the person's eyes are closed, they are sleeping. Thought there dreams show them visions of the past and future. Some showed a red and blue savior who stoped a corruption that was a deep purple, another showed a creation of a third hero it colors is a Rainbow.

So many visions every time they sleep, these visions can even help the figure survive giving them location of where to find food, water, and sometimes materials to survive. Even so the dream they have right know is leading them to a path to a location, the exit of the cave. Before the figure was able to step outside of the cave.

Their eyes shot wide open. "What does it mean" thought the person, "Should I follow it? Most of the time these visions haven't steered me wrong but will it actually be okay if I go up there?" It questioned. The creature started to debate in there head what to do. Until they came to the conclusion of going outside. So they set off on their path.

The creature footsteps could be heard walking though the cave, the cave was like a maze you could get easily lost if you didn't know the way. Especially, if you tried to find a way to where the person nest is. The footsteps then seemed to quiet down until the sound came to a halt. It thought for a moment, "There is no turning back know Sabre." It stand at the entrance of the cave, then it took the out.

Sunlight started to shine on them, and their eyes shined with wonder and joy.
A beautiful lushes forest with stunning flowers is standing in front of them. Sabre started to smile.


A week has pasted since Sabre stepped outside they been exploring more and more in the area, though they always return back to their home.

Though one day when he was exploring he saw figures walking around, and then heard voices. "Other people. ." Though Sabre. He decided to listen to their conversation.

"Orange why did you decide to take us here?" One voice said to a person named orange.
"Well shy there a nice spot here where we can hang out and there are areas we can explore" Orange explained enthusiastically then another voice stated, "Shy don't be so worried it will be okay"
"Funny it just that we are decently faraway from the village and I don't want anyone be hurt, and because we are not near the village to be able to treat it." Orange worried. He started to fidget with there hand. Then someone put an arm on their shoulder.

They said, "It okay shy we got each other's backs and also we can teleport back if we need to. Know don't stress it and come look around at the pretty scenery,"
"Ya Shy, Happy is right," Funny exclaimed to their friend. The group continued to walk down through the forest not noticing the figure following them, curiosity filling their eyes.


The group make up camp near a lake in the forest. Funny was making jokes that make everyone in the group laugh. Shy was making little trinkets with happy. The group was talking until Orange told the others that he was going to explore the area around the camp. They told him be care and orange went off.

During the walk around though he felt like someone was watching him. He could feel their presence. "Do they not realize I can sense them" Orange whispered to himself, he came to the conclusion of catching the figure by surprise.

Orange then stop walking, which confused Sabre. Then Orange use their powers to drag Sabre towards him and trapping him.
"Who are you," Orange enquire Sabre, then Sabre started to cry and whimper making themselves into a ball and covering themselves with their wings. Guilt then pains Orange.

"Oh I-I . . . Sorry a-are you okay" Orange stuttered out, oh I did mean to make them cry and they look similar to a fledgling. Are they a fledgling?

Sabre's voice quivered as he spoke, the words choked by the relentless tears that flowed down his face,"I-I just w-wanted to find person. I-I never seen another. ." They started to slowly un curve from their ball shape. Their wings slightly lowered.

"You never seen another person before?" Orange questioned, the trap around Sabre vanished. Sabre then shakes his head.

Orange uttered, "Oh you poor thing" he then kneeled on the ground and put a hand on his cheek wiping away tears,"it okay I will be head with you" Sabre put his head in his chest.

"This feel nice feels warm. . " He though as he closed his eyes.

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A little bit of situations

(Orange when coming back to the camp)

The others: What do you have there
Orange: *carrying Sabre in his arms*
Orange: Just a little bird

(When the get back)

Red: So how the trip?
The group: . .
Funny: it was okay
Happy: the scenery was really nice
Shy: *deadpan* Orange found a bird creature and is know keeping it
Red: *Sigh* of course he did

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Oh wow.

I am finished. I am surprise I was able to finish writing that much and be able to make situations in the same day.

Additionally, the art of this Sabre

(The art was rushed so sorry if there is mistakes)

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(The art was rushed so sorry if there is mistakes)

Though I hope you have a good week and make sure to take care of yourself. ヽ('▽`)ノ


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