Crystal protectors AU

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I have this idea on me for a while.What if the crystal (the souls of the crystals) could have a physical body (like a spirit form). The crystals could travel to different worlds and what if they raised Sabre so he would be pre paired when he goes to the Steve realm.
                   (Red king/Red crystal POV)
"Red king are you sure this is where the prophecy human is?" the green crystal questioned
"Yes green I can sense his power" I stated to green me and the other crystals are trying to find the prophecy human who's name I think is sabre.
(✨Time skip brought to you by baby sabre✨)
   (Red king/Red crystal POV still)
When we get to the location to where sabre's power sent (is that the right thing to call it) is at we hear crying coming from the location we're sabre's sent is coming from. "That is we're Sabre is at he may be hurt" the orange crystal blurted out while running in the direction the crying is coming from.
"Orange wait" I stated out while following quickly behind orange and the others following closely behind us. When we get to the spot we hear crying we see orange holding the prophecy human in his arms who is hurt and there is two dead body on the ground beside them.
"What happened here" said the yellow crystal
"I don't know, when I got here Sabre was on the ground and surrounded by these two" orange pointed at the two body on the ground "I think these two were his parents" Orange stated. We all went silent
"Orange" green stated out breaking the silent
orange responded "Ya green"
"Can you hand me Sabre so I can heal him" green said to orange. Orange then handed green Sabre and green after a few seconds healed all of Sabre wounds.
Seeing Sabre like this reminded me of when I first found colle when he was just a kid.
Sorry but that all I could really think of for know but I do have some situations.
Orange Crystal: umm Red
Red Crystal/King: *Red lifting up the book he was reading* yes orange what is it
Orange Crystal: I um may of lost Sabre
Red Crystal/King: you.. Lost Sabre!!
(Meanwhile Sabre)
Sabre: in a corner of the house just sleeping
Red king/crystal doing sabre's hair (also Sabre is about 5 or 6 know. He was 2 or 3 when they first found him)

Red King/crystal: (finished doing Sabre's hair) there it is done  *gives Sabre a mirror"
Sabre:*See how he looks* Thank you papa
Red king/crystal: *In his mind* Did he just call me papa. Aww
That mostly it I probably will do more with this Au (Like finishing the story) but this it for know
- Kathryn out

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