There's always that one song that makes you feel powerful, like your living it

For me it's this song

I always do my best work to this song

I could create endless dances to it and I probably will

I'm in my own world, eyes closed, only hearing the music

I'm not going to lie every time i watch the music video for this song i cry which for someone who doesn't have a lot of emotions is odd, I'm not even gay myself so it's not like i can resonate with it or anything which makes me even more confused but it just gets me every time

I can hear my deep breathes in my head, i can feel my sore legs and tired body but i don't stop, i never do, i carry on until im bored or late for something

As i skate i start thinking about Saint, what he does to me, that feeling I get in my stomach, hell my whole body

I can't trust myself with other people, i ruin everyone whether they want me to or not

As soon as I gain feelings for him i'll run from him i just know it

But you can't run from a mafia boss


Since i decided that me and Chris are friends we've texted back and forth a lot, he's really funny and i haven't found him annoying at all yet which is a surprise. He also said he loves that i'm mean which works out for me.

Me and Grayson have also texted a bit, I let him know when i'm not busy and we go to a hotel and fuck, sometimes he'll just text me stupid fun facts, usually about penguins


Also i did a background check on him just in case, turns out he's 26, an engineer, still has both parents and a little brother

So he's safe, which is great because let me tell you that man is good at sex

And since he's not trying to ask me out anymore and we're just casual fuck buddies he's not awkward and nervous he's actually a massive flirt and cocky but not too much that i want to kill him just enough to rile me up which leads to better sex, what can i say

Papà and Alonso know about Chris which they nearly threw me a party for

they were very happy i made a friend


I obviously haven't told them about Gray because I don't think they'd love the fact I have a fuck buddy

I've not told Gray about the whole mafia, assassin thing and i don't plan to but if he finds out then he finds out.

I don't think he would but if he tried to tell the cops it wouldn't work anyway since they're on our payroll

I would probably batter him up a bit though, you know for betraying me but let's hope that doesn't need to happen

Tonight me, papà and Alonso are going out to dinner with Saint and Mateo about some deal they all want to make

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