Just a Friend

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Sophie stumbled to her bed, grabbing the nearest pillow and sinking her face into the fluffy oblivion. 

She couldn't believe that she liked him. 

Keefe. Of all people. 

Their completely platonic relationship had shifted into something deeper and more profound over the years. But she had never expected it to transcend into love. 

It was love. She knew it. As much as she could try to ignore it it was the most blatant truth to ever be realised. 

As she continued to suffocate her thoughts into the pillow, a loud thump echoed against the window in front of her.

Her head shot up just in time to see another rock smash into the glass panel and a tiny fissure snake its way the now broken panel. 

Sophie quickly ran up to the window and looked down onto her front yard.

There stood the charismatic blond boy of her dreams, leaning against the faded truck he insisted was his best friend.

After her of course.

"Come on down, Foster," Keefe yelled, with as much care for waking up her parents as a rock had emotions.

"Shut up," Sophie aggressively whispered back down, "I don't want to get into trouble because of you again."

She shrugged on her hoodie and threw her hair up into the messiest bun to ever exist before getting to work. 

Sophie began to tie the sheets stacked under her bed together, forming a long rope to throw out of her smashed window. 

As Sophie carefully climbed down the front of her house, she could feel Keefe's eyes boring into her back. 

She jumped off the final metre, turning around to her handsome friend before smirking and saying, "Liking the view?"

Seeing Keefe's flushed face was like early Christmas for Sophie.  She stared in amusement at the blush on his cheeks before opening the passenger door, impatiently waiting for him to jump inside. 

"C'mon, it's freezing out there. Turn on the heater before I become a Sophie iceberg," she ordered.

Keefe twisted to reach the back seats, coming back with a stack of thick and colourful blankets, which he threw straight to her face. Sophie, having as much coordination as a blind duck, felt the folds of fabric ram into her face before settling into her lap. 

Keefe smirked at her hoodie, before pulling out his own matching one and throwing it on his lean figure. 

She observed the pile of blankets now resting against her before grabbing the one at the bottom.

"Is this the sad blanket, Keefe?" Sophie whispered, tracing her fingers against the faint "Best Friends Forever" written in the middle with Sharpie. The bright yellow smiley faces had faded into a pale cream and the edges were frayed and threadbare. 

"What's made you sad today?" she murmured. She looked up at him, watching as he began to trace tiny smiles onto the palm of his hand. His eyes gleamed with unspoken tears as he took deep breaths. He eventually recovered.

Running his hand through his somehow always pristine hair, he let out a forced, "Nothing you need to worry about, Foster. I'll tell you later."  before trying for a smirk.

 It didn't work and he knew it. 

Sophie still shoved the blanket into his lap, waiting until he wrapped it around himself before continuing to speak. 

"You don't have to tell me at all if you don't want to. I won't pressure you. But just remember how much we've been through together and remember that I can probably help."

Keefe looked up at stared at her, his bottom lip slightly trembling.

"Thank you. I'll tell you soon I promise. I'm just not ready to face it yet." he finally spoke. 

Sophie patted her shoulder, letting him know she was there. 

Keefe gently lowered his head onto her shoulder, snuggling into the crook of her neck. 

He slowly inched his hand towards Sophie's, stopping just before his fingers met hers. 

Sophie clasped their hands together, watching the way their finger crossed over each other.

They had held hands hundreds of times over the years. Maybe even thousands.

But this was the first time it actually felt like something.

A tingling sensation filled Sophie as Keefe gently rubbed his thumb against her hand.

He seemed to be lost in thought, subconsciously doing it. But Sophie didn't mind.

This felt right. 

The way their hands fit perfectly together.

The warmth of Keefe's head against her shoulder. 

The beat of their hearts slowly syncing to match each other. 

Sophie could have lived in that moment forever, next to her best friend and now love. 

"Keefe," she whispered in a quiet tone, trying not to disturb the serenity of the moment.

He slowly got up, turning around until they were both staring at each other directly in the eyes.

And in that moment, Sophie's life flashed before her eyes.

Running into kinder to a smiling blonde figure asking to play with her.

A sunset walk on the beach hand in hand with the person sitting next to her. 

Walking up the aisle in a white dress to see gorgeous ice blue eyes. 

Hundreds of thousands of instances, past and future,  rushed through Sophie's brain as she stared into her favourite pair of eyes. 

She could see it now. Sophie had always loved Keefe is some small way. Now she just had to see if he loved her back. 

And when she saw the warm look on his face and the pain hidden beneath his eyes she was transported back.

To when she first met the wonderful person sitting beside her. 

When she had found "just" a friend.


And that's the second chapter done y'all.

I don't really know what to say here but please don't be silent readers.

Comment anything you want!

Question of the Day: What is the dumbest way you've been hurt?

Mine probably is when I was 4ish.

I was jumping on the couch with my sister before I fell down straight on top of my wrist.


From jumping off a low couch. How even?

Anyway, what's your story?

Have a nice day everyone!

- KateRafeSophieKeefe

Love Story, A Sokeefe Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now