Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

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W.C. - 2 k

a/n: wonze kid is back and with a mischeivous spirit:)


"Aye María, you're trending on twitter." Mapi's head snaps in your direction, eyes gleaming with excitement. She has no reason to be skeptical, you look truthful as always, blinding smile stretching across your lips.

"Really?!-" Just as she was about to ask why she was trending, you interrupt her.

"No." Your tone was one of complete seriousness, deadpan beyond comprehension. You look on in delight as your teammate's smile drops off the vicinity of her face, lips contorting into a disappointed frown.

The back of your head stings with the hands coming down to hit it, a slap to the back of the head never hurt anyone, except you of course.

"Y/n, that's not nice." Alexia chides as you rub over the sensitive parts of your head, still stinging from the brutal hits. She looks at you through her peripheral vision, seeing the smile that's still stretched across your lips, rolling her eyes at your childish nature.

What did she expect though when they brought in a child?

"Neither was the prank she pulled on me last week but you didn't tell her off for that, did you?" Annoyance seeps into your tone, slapping away the hand ruffling your hair. Alexia rolls her eyes at you again and you can barely resist telling her that they might get stuck like that if she continues, it was always fun to rile the woman up.

"You wanna test me cariño? I can make your life hell." She interprets the huff you let out as acceptance, rising from the table to throw her trash away.

On the other side of the room, you're startled as lips press to your temple, hands placed on your shoulders.

"Causing trouble again, are you bubba?" Lucy plops down in the seat to your left, Keira occupying Alexia's old seat to your right. You can't help smiling again as your parents settle at your sides, they were a bit late to lunch as they were talking with Jona.

"No more than usual Robert, I wonder where I got it from. You think I need to go see the physios? Excessive childishness in a 15 year old is fatal from what I've heard." You teased the older woman, who in response pushed her fingers between your ribs, the feeling way more ticklish than it should be.

"Leave the tot alone Luce, she's got enough on her mind without you annoying her." Keira says as she wraps her arm around your neck, pulling you into a headlock of sorts as she kisses your forehead over and over.

"No way, I mean I can accept bubs and bubba, but tot? I'm fifteen." It was almost like a toddler whining after its favourite toy, all tied together by the way your feet pound against the floor in protest.

"Mhm, sure. You'll have to deal with every embarrassing nickname in the book until you take your last breath, bubs. Now, have you eaten enough? You know that we've got another training session after this." Lucy reminds you hastily, pushing a granola bar into your hands as Keira hands you an apple.

"Yes I've eaten, no you two won't be calling me 'tot' and 'bubba' when I'm 60, and yes I did in fact know that we've got training after lunch. Also, can I go over to Vicky's after training? I need help with some homework." You're nearly through the doors of the meal room as you shout out the question, both Lucy and Keira nodding their heads in agreement.

Thinking no one's watching you in the hallways is your fatal mistake, as you dance around in your spot you can hear the very distinct giggles from your usual partners in crime. Your eyes scan the space and in milliseconds you notice the short frames of Pina and Patri, the latter of the two holding up her phone in such a manner that convinced you that she was recording you.

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