When Y/n Met Alessia

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W.C.- 13,8 k

June 26th 2017

Stepping into the airport, the cool air a contrast to the uncommon but not unwelcome air of the hot and sticky June day. It wafts over your exposed skin, arms and legs free for the world to look at as you avoid the early morning traffic in the large London airport.

You drag your suitcase behind you in a hurry as you look for gate 23, flight towards the so-called "land of dreams" waiting for you to board it. This time last year, you were looking at the mail telling you that you had the chance to play football in America on a full ride scholarship and further your ability to play the game.

The cheapest flight you had been able to find was one that required a stopover in North Carolina before taking you to LA, and UCLA. You didn't mind the extra time it took to get to your final destination, always able to entertain yourself one way or another.

Finally arriving at the gate, you sit down for a breather. To the left of you there was an older gentleman and to the right was one of the most gorgeous people you'd ever seen, the girl taller than most with blinding blond locks and glittering blue eyes able to captivate any soul.

"Gate 23 boarding now! Gate 23 boarding now!" You hear over the intercom, reminding you of whenever you'd travel with your team as a youngster. Loud sniffling from your right has you looking up and towards the young woman, obviously saying goodbye to her family standing around her. You stop looking at them when you once again hear the boarding call, standing up and walking to where you get your tickets scanned.

Sitting down in the comfortable seat beside the window, you put your bag under the seat in front of you before clicking the seatbelt into place and leaning back in the chair. Louis Armstrong's strong vocals flow through the headphones placed on your head as you take a moment to relax after the hectic morning. You feel the shaking of the seat as another person sits in the seat beside you, their soft arm grazing yours as she accidentally kicks your shin.

Peeking out one eye, you see the gorgeous blonde from before in the seat beside yours, the young girl sighing as she runs a hand over her face. Deciding to start a conversation, you quickly think of a point of conversation. You pull your headphones down around your neck, the music still playing loudly and providing a soundtrack to the whole scene.

"Grape?" Holding out the bag of grapes to the stranger, who looks at you with a rather astonished look on her face. As expected, she shakes her head and you simply shrug, popping one right in your mouth and chewing on it for a second before spitting the core back into the bag.

"So, tell me the story of your life." You're nothing if not persistent, and right now you were persistent on speaking with the girl who seemed about your age. Looking on as she sputters and throws out different filler words, you continue to eat your grapes.

"We've got 12 hours until we reach North Carolina" You add on to your earlier comment.

"The story of my life? It won't get us very far, that's why I'm going to North Carolina." There was a slight hesitance to her voice as she vaguely told you about her plans. You're quick with your response.

"For something significant to happen to you? Pray tell, what?"

"I'm on a scholarship to play football, so that's what I'll do." She snaps back.

"So you can go and play professionally later?" It wasn't really phrased like a question, rather a statement.

"Yes, if I get the right opportunities then I will." Her mind goes to a different place for a second, while you suddenly feel that drop of the stomach associated with rollercoasters. You hadn't even noticed the plane moving, too caught up in your conversation with the pretty stranger.

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