Kanelbullens Dag

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prompt 32. -It's you and me, always forever.


"KANELBULLENS DAG PEOPLE, NATIONAL HOLIDAY! You get a cinnamon bun, and you get a cinnamon bun, and the biggest one is for you my love." You enter the Barcelona locker room hollering in Swedish, a large paper bag in your hand.

Handing each woman in the room a cinnamon bun, they each quietly thank you, some pressing small (or in Pina and Patri's case, really sloppy) kisses to your cheeks. The steam floating off the baked goods gives the women an indication of their freshness.

Placing the last and biggest one in your girlfriend's hand, you can't help but watch as her entire face lights up.

You had both been missing your native country a little extra lately, and celebrating the holidays that were so important to the swedes always reminded you of home.

It was especially fun to see the confused expressions on your teammates' faces whenever you burst into the room with traditional clothes on or different types of homemade sweets in your hands.

"Not that I'm not appreciative of this, but why did you get us cinnamon buns?" Lucy asked you, face full of joy and simultaneous confusion.

"Ohh, in Sweden there's a holiday called kanelbullens dag where we just eat cinnamon buns. The day actually originates from this company who in celebrating their 40th anniversary made a day solely for cinnamon buns." You tell the team in between bites of your own cinnamon bun.

"So, you just have a day for eating cinnamon buns?" Mapi asks, still confused about the whole thing.

"Yeah pretty much" You reply, the crunching of the sugar pearls filling the room. As you look around the room, you see everyone eating their cinnamon rolls happily and you can't help but be filled with joy.

The joy that the cinnamon filled bread always brought to everyone back home extended out to the locker room and you couldn't help but smile. Smile at the childish expressions filled with satisfaction and genuine happiness.

You get pulled back into reality by your girlfriend placing her legs across yours, the woman sending you a smile sweeter than the treat you'd just finished.

"Tack älskling, det var verkligen fint av dig att göra det här." Frido tells you, the beautiful smile lighting up her face in that delightfully unique way. Leaning your face closer to hers, you bring your thumb up to the corner of her mouth, wiping away the little cinnamon that rested there.

You lick the sugary sweetness off your thumb before telling her,

"Du vet att jag älskar dig, visst gör du? Det klart jag kommer göra saker för att göra dig glad." You tell her softly, only so that she can hear you. The others didn't need to know, they'd only tease you for being whipped.

"Jag älskar dig med" She confesses, planting a loving kiss on your forehead before getting ready to walk out of the room.

You catch her hand in yours before she can move too far away from you. Pouting your lips, the blonde quickly gets the hint and gives you a passionate kiss, on your lips this time.

After she pulls away, you keep her near to press a few more pecks to her lips.

"Baby, it's you and me, always forever. I'm yours until the end of time, it's my only mission to make you smile." You whisper against her lips, the blonde's cheeks darkening several shades.

You would run across the universe and back if it meant you could get your girlfriend to smile just that much more.



Tack älskling, det var verkligen fint av dig att göra det här. - Thank you darling, it was truly sweet of you to do this.

Du vet att jag älskar dig, visst gör du? Det klart jag kommer göra saker för att göra dig glad. - You know that I love you, right? Of course I'm going to do things to make you happy.

Jag älskar dig med - I love you too

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