Once In A Lifetime

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W.C.- 3 k

prompt 103. -I won't let you down.

prompt 107. -I haven't seen you in a long time.


June 17th 2011, a date that was etched in your brain forever, for it was the day you met your soulmate. In a large town situated in the northeast of Australia, a shy Swedish girl met an outgoing Aussie girl, roughly her age.

It was hard not to notice the gorgeous girl, and even harder for your 7 year old self not to stare at her. The way her movements were so gracious made you slightly envious, the ball at her feet moving smoothly as she kicked it back and forth.

The ball smacking you right in the face breaks you out of the trance the girl with the pretty eyes had put you in, the sudden momentum brings you down to the ground. Your parents, like always, weren't paying you any attention, they wanted you to be 'independent'.

"I'm so sorry! I was just trying to kick the ball at the goal but it went over, and I'm sorry." The pretty girl was kneeling beside you, her eyes locked on yours. Dora had taught you a lot, but not how to decipher quickly strung together sentences of pretty girls with Australian accents.

"It is...no problem?" The nameless girl helps you into a sitting position, her eyebrows knitting together at the strange dialect that came with your words. It was foreign, that much she knew.

"I'm Mary" She sticks out a hand towards you eagerly, nearly thrusting it in your face. You grasp her warm hand in yours tentatively, sweaty palm meeting hers.

"My name is Y/n." You reply, face red hot from the heat of the new country and from the girl in front of you.

"So, Y/n , do you want to play football with me?" She flashes you her pearly whites in a full face smile. Mary points down at the ball laying haphazardly beside you, picking it up and throwing it between her fingertips.

She smiles again when your head moves up and down frantically, pulling you back up on your feet as she leads you onto the pitch.

"Okay, you go in the goal!" She points at the goal of the small pitch, barely letting you get between the posts before she sends a ball towards you.

The sky turns dark after a couple of hours of throwing yourself on the ground to prevent the ball from rolling into the goal. You had improved greatly in the last few hours, that much Mary could admit.

"Hey Y/n, come here tomorrow at 12!" She calls out to your retreating form, seeing your thumb pointing upwards in agreement.

And in between the goalposts she found you the day after, t-shirt and shorts letting the rough pitch scratch at your arms and legs as you threw yourself left and right.

"Where are you from?" She asks one day, sitting beside you on that pitch you'd first met each other only months before. Your English has greatly improved, with the help of the pretty girl beside you of course.

"Sweden" Short and curt, there were days where you just couldn't find it in you to string together more than a few words.

"Can you teach me Swedish?!" Mary asks excitedly, the now 8 year old you smiling up at the slightly taller girl. She throws her arms around your shoulders when you nod, your back hitting the ground with a soft thud.

You wrap your arms around the older girl, albeit reluctantly. Affectionate touch isn't something you were used to.

Days, weeks, months and eventually, years passed. Mary and you stayed best friends all throughout the phases of growing up. The chemistry you had on and off the pitch confused most people, they'd see you with your arms around each other, lips pressed to the other's hairline or cheek. There was barely anything platonic there left, and everyone except you two seemed to know.

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