Chapter 10

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A slightly longer chapter for you all. Hope you enjoy <3

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"Now, I ask those who aren't eligible to please remain seated so our competitors can stand out." By the end of the sentence, almost everyone around me was already seated. Those who remained standing were analyzing each other. I could only look at the onlookers, one by one. I'm not feeling very good...


Luke is preparing tea for us in the cabin kitchen. Cassie found this place while practicing archery in the forest a few years ago, and since then, it has become our group's refuge: me (Sebastian), Cassandra, Yzie, Luke, Aurora, and Benjamin. Initially, we just liked to gather here to escape our parents and explore more of the area. However, lately, we've been using it as a hideout and as the base for the Rebellion cell in the city.

Okay, calling this cluster of people a city is a bit of an exaggeration. This is more like a small settlement used as an essential piece in the chess game of those who live in the mountain.

In the early days of the reign, even before it became hollow, some of the houses you see here today already formed a village. However, as the political system was very new, it wouldn't be prudent to drive out the residents. The solution? Strictly control the growth of the place while pretending to support it with food and health. Pretend to take care of us while keeping us in cages.

The people still living here are descendants of the first residents; few come from other cities, and when they do, they're just passing through. Not to mention, if you were born here and you're not a mágici, the only way out is to join the army and move to the Guard Castle. Even so, the positions designated for this city in the guard are scarce, and the probability of a non-mágicis being born is extremely low.

Those in power for more than a hundred years achieved what their ancestors dreamed of: a model city. The population treats those from the mountain almost like deities, and thus, the six of us are the only ones who joined the Rebellion. In secret, for now.

I see Luke coming through the door, heading towards the five of us scattered around the time-marked wooden table. He fills everyone's cups and sits in the only empty seat. All of this in silence. Silence caused by the plan I proposed.

We haven't said a word since Luke went to make the tea, which, according to him, would calm us down. Of course, if anyone drank it. But everyone is still, with blank expressions, lost in themselves.

I reach for my cup and bring it to my lips, letting the hot and sweet liquid fill my mouth. I review what I said earlier. I've thought about this plan for a long time, this possibility. I believe the time has come.

" Bas... You know I trust you with my eyes closed, but do you really think it will work?"  Ben pauses, gathering the courage to ask what he really wanted to.  "Do you really think it's safe? That we'll all come back?"

"I'm fully convinced. We've trained hard on our abilities and perfected ourselves in ways we never thought possible." I speak, looking at each of my friends. 

"You know as well as I do that the Rebellion will never succeed if the point closest to the mountain doesn't do something. And you also know that if it's not us, it probably won't be anyone for at least the next hundred years."

"Okay. Just reviewing then, to make sure: Yzie found out that there are nobles living in the Magic Castle, and that's why you think even more supplies will be sent there. You think, to avoid the public eye, the delivery will pass through the region at night and with little protection."  Cassie enumerates the topics on her fingers.

"That's correct." I confirm and receive a piercing look. I think I interrupted her...

" You said the plan was for you to run through the woods creating shadows and noises of twigs and dry leaves breaking, as if we were in a children's horror story."

Apparently, I definitely interrupted her 

"That the guards will get scared and go on alert, always looking for the direction from which the sound will come. Then Ben creates an illusion of the story's monster, and Luke creates the sounds. Meanwhile, me and the girls go from behind and take down the cowards. Then you run towards the cart, and we cover you. We take the reins and go almost to the cabin with everything. Then you take the horses through the woods to the stable."

I don't dare speak another word and just nod.

"And how are we going to do this without killing someone if they're wearing armor? Or worse, what if we're recognized?"

I can't help but let out a light laugh at what Cassie's biggest fear was.

"If they're wearing armor, I know you'll be able to read their movements and improvise something." I give a triumphant smile at realizing that even though she's huffing, I managed to massage her ego.

"As for being recognized, I know Ben can create disguises for us with Aunt Leslie's fabrics and prevent that from happening." His mother is the best seamstress in town and can create and tailor entire collections in her store.

"So, what do you say?" I inflate with anticipation and lean on the table.

Everyone looks at each other, I see some nodding positively to Cassie, others smiling in anticipation. She looks at me, arches one of her eyebrows, ups the corners of her lips.

"When is the big day?"

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