Chapter 9

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I barely have time to step into the courtyard when I see the teacher, who teaches the class I was skipping, coming towards me. If looks could kill, this would surely be the second attempted murder of the day. Perhaps the first with a touch of torture.

"Don't open your mouth unless it's your turn. Don't slack off. We've never had evidence, but everyone here knows you're not the amoeba you pretend to be. One slip, and I'll report you for treason to the crown. The Harvest is to be taken seriously, impertinent creature." Says the kind teacher through gritted teeth, while I wonder what crime I committed against her.

"The last student has arrived." She announces loudly to the principal, who is standing in front of the tree spot. Apparently, they've checked attendance.

"Now that we are finally all gathered on this beautiful day, we can begin the ceremony." the principal says.

"Dear students, from this day forward, the testing stages of the Harvest will commence. I know you must all be extremely excited, albeit anxious due to the possibility of joining the select group that lives in the royal castle and helps maintain Oriri so efficiently and dignified. Actually, this is for the second and third places, as the crowns are reserved for the two most powerful among the eligible youth."

Everyone is applauding and cheering like the excited crowd they now are.

"We have the honor of hosting part of the nobility during the Harvest period that will unfold in our home. I know you will all strive to make them feel comfortable. Although the protocol for opening ceremonies suggests that the formal presentation of each of them be done now, I believe the best way for you to get to know them is in day-to-day life, naturally. As for the tests, the rules and tasks will be announced at the time, so that the respective observer and the assistant professor can see through appearances to the purest magic that resides in each one. The schedule of activities will be handed out individually in the next class. The groups will be random in terms of age and gender."

The audience is divided into people biting nails, jumping with joy, puffing out their chests, and even crying. I have to admit that she really knows how to deliver a speech, even if the words refer to a completely different reality.

"Finally, my dear students, just so you can see who our observers are, I ask them to approach."

Having said that, a group of twelve people of various ages lines up next to the principal. They all wear capes richly detailed with threads of gold, silver, or bronze over blood-red fabric.

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