Chapter 6

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It took us about an hour to reach the base of the mountain, through a not very dense forest. We decided to run to the city. I won't even say we raced because he was always faster than me.

Upon reaching the last tree before the first houses, I was just a little behind Tristan, who decided to try to keep a pace more similar to mine. We noticed that most of the lights were off. The place where children were playing before is now quiet, deserted.

We continued moving into the city, and the scene seemed to repeat itself. Even though, near the center, things started to get a bit busier, it wasn't the same as before. It's almost as if they had smothered the flame that was here.

The place with the most people was the most famous tavern. Instead of the usual lively music, the sound of conversations took over. Many of the voices were slurred, indicating excess alcohol consumption. I didn't see couples or children having fun. I look at Tannie, dismayed, silently questioning what was happening.

He looks back at me, a sad expression, shaking his head gently, indicating that he doesn't understand either. His shoulders are slumped, and I know my image isn't much different from his.

"We should investigate," he breaks the silence.

"How? The only people left are the drunk men in the taverns..."

"Still, it's something," he says, heading towards the nearest tavern.

"Tannie..." I speak hesitantly. I don't know if I'm more afraid of finding out what happened or talking to these men.

"I know you don't like talking to people you don't know. If you want, I can go ask alone, and you can take a walk."

"Are you sure? Is it safe?" I never imagined asking that about this place...

"Yes. I'll be fine. And you too. It might just be in this part of the city. If we split up, maybe someone will find some sign."

I agree, still reluctant. We agree to meet at the fountain in the central square. He enters the tavern, and I go in a random direction, letting my feet guide me. I still can't believe it... Everything is changing so fast, and not for the better. It's almost like a huge cloud is standing in front of the sun.

I try to push my thoughts away from the possibility that this cloud might be called "Harvest," but it's almost impossible. Before I know it, I'm on the other side of the city, facing the first tree that connects with the forest. I've never been here. Normally, we don't go so far; it doesn't make sense to spend time walking.

I hear a faint noise of leaves. Looking up, I come across a completely blue bird, incredibly beautiful. As silly as it sounds, we stare at each other for a while, almost like a competition to see who would look away first. I couldn't help but smile.

"I know you won't believe me so easily, but I won't hurt you, or do you any harm. You're beautiful, you know? You must know. If you don't, I hope you know now," it chirps, adjusting its feathers and puffing out its chest. I laugh slightly and tilt my head to the side. Was I really talking to a bird?

"I confess I don't come here as much as I would like. I don't understand what happened to this place. Do you know anything? Or are you some kind of visitor, like me? I feel like the city's heart is shattered, so weak that it almost doesn't beat anymore. I think mine is becoming a reflection of hers," I say out loud what I wanted to tell Tannie before.

Without warning, it flies up to my shoulder. I try not to move too much, despite the shock. My lips rearrange into a wide, genuine smile that hasn't been present for a long time. It, in small hops, approaches my face and touches its little head to my cheek, caressing it.

"Thank you. I needed that more than I thought," I receive another chirp in response. "I think I can consider you a friend now, I mean, if you want," it repeats the gesture, and I exhale through my nose in a laugh.

I sit on the ground, facing the city, still with my new friend on its perch. We spend some time looking at it, keeping each other company. After a few minutes, I decide it's better to go find Tannie.

"Hey. Unfortunately, I have to go now... I have to find my other friend to go back home. If we take too long, we'll get into trouble. I wish I could stay longer with you... Thanks for the company and for comforting me. I hope to see you again, even if it takes me a while to come back to these parts."

The little bird seems to understand and, with a final chirp, takes flight to the branch it was on before. I get up and start my way to the square, hoping that Tannie has discovered something good

Mágici - English VersionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora