|•CHAPTER 108•|

Start from the beginning

"You can't do this Sameer!" She said tiredly
Her skirt slightly flying in the gentle breeze while her curls moved away from her shoulders

"I know" he said again and smiled as if he knew what she was gone say

"I was foolish to think about getting a second chance after seeing you in the college! I learned it a hard way that not everybody gets a second chance and sadly i was one among them and you know what its okay and i understand why." He added

"The most times I have seen you smile was when you had Dev around you! He made you feel things while all i did was use you as my unpaid therapist while i gave zero care about your feelings knowing well you liked me! Thinking back it sounds too cruel to me "Sameer said as the breeze had stopped and dev and now folded his arms against his chest and watched them talk.

"Dev is amazing Riya! I knew it , i felt it he had always been a good human and with you by his side i am sure ... he brings all goodness out from you too! You both deserve each other!" Sameer said and turned towards dev

"All my life I had never had. True friendship! Honestly thank you dev those few days with you was amazing, I have never had fun in that way when i had fun with you! Thank you I'll cherish them for eternity" Sameer smiled while dev pulled him into a hug

"You're a good human too Sameer! Few flaws won't make us. Bad people! Just like you i have learned this the hard way only" dev said patting his bad

Sameer turned to Riya and saw her smile at them.

"I get it why you choose him Riya" he said

"Sameer! I had always been temporary for you, a second chance for you to jump back to me whenever you like but to dev i was unconditional. And.. and i liked being loved i was tired of loving and when i felt him live me it felt surreal " Riya said and Sameer nodded as if he understood everything even before she can explain .

"I bad plenty of time Riya! Years together to think and i think i am clear now" he smiled

Dev who was silent all the while did not realise what to feel.

Be selfish that his love is all his or feels sad for his friend.

"Acha acha! Sameer I and Riya were talking about our band ! Like we planned dinner college are you still in for it?" Dev asked just to break the ice

Sameer immediately shake his head as no

"I am leaving the country next week dev! My father and i have planned open a branch of our company in aboard! I'll get busy there" Sameer said and dev nodded understanding.

"If this is it how it goes then! Bye guys I'll hope to keep in touch with you guys" Sameer said and started walking .

"Take care" Riya said

"You got us always! remember " dev yelled and Sameer stopped in tracks and walked back to Riya and looked at her. As if he is gone look at her for the last time.

He pulled his chain from his neck and placed it on her palm. Her ring was still in his chain and now in her hand .

She looked at him for some explanation
"This is yours! It has to be with you" he said smiling and walked away.

For a minute after Sameer walked away ! Riya still started at the ring and the chain in her hand and pushed it on her bag and turned towards dev who watched all this.
She walked towards him

"Feeling better?" He asked and she nodded feeling light.
It did feel better .

"So it is me?" Dev asked with his usual tease in voice

"It's you. In a thousand of lifetimes, in a hundred of ways, it's you. It'll always be you." She said getting in his embrace

She buried her face in his shoulder as he held her. All that she could think was that she needed him. She needed his arms around her, needed him to hold her and whisper sweet things which he was doing.




Instagram id : __author.rii__
( i drop spoilers , outfits and edits of the story do check my page out.)

Nah! I kinda feel sad for Sameer 👶

Nah! I kinda feel sad for Sameer 👶

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