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Aishwarya was walking alone to the college!

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Aishwarya was walking alone to the college!

Aditi and keerthana were in aravind 's house for some play costume stuff and riya took a day off as she has just 2 classes .

Aishwarya was irritated not because of any specific reason but yea she was in her first day of periods and she had Evey right to feel irritated.

She was dressed up in a white frock with leafs in it! Yes! She was a bold woman who took the risk of getting dressed up in white.

She walked over to that particular bench and pulled out a biscuit from her bagpack and broke it into crumbs and spreaded it .

A minute later a small black puppy ran towards the bench making Aishwarya smile in satisfaction


Here Vikram rubbed his hands toghter walking around cluelessly, his eyes searching for a particular someone and his feets never stopping from walking.

He never knew finding about a girl was this hard! He always knew about people's information even before he asked but she!
Damn she was mysterious and that was something which made him even more into searching for her.

He badly wanted to know her! Atleast her Name ?for now of course!

But how? He doesn't know anything about her and he simply can't go around asking people about that short girl with long hairs and the one girl he steals hair accessories from.

Vikram was walking around confused and cluelessly untill his eyes fell on hema!

Someone who hates but someone who has every detail about every girl he talks to.

He was sure by now hema would have her horoscope and he also knew he is falling into trouble but yea she was worth it *add sparkle emoji*

Talking about the devil and the devil arrives .

Hema stood infront of him showing her white teeths .

"Ah here you are!" Vikram told with a smile confusing hema

Was?Vikram? searching?for her?

She looked at him from top to bottom and again from bottom to top to conform that the man had no head injuries

"What happened?" He asked looking at her scanning him.

"Ah Nothing! What do you want?" She asked

"Oh yes ! I was just making sure you were safe cause the other day you were kinda having a arugemnent with the other girl!" Vikram lied

"Other girl?who?" Hema asked cluelessly

"That short one?long hairs? Green kurthi!" Vikram gave clues and hema nodded in acknowledgment

"Oh! That chick she is a piece of cake to me! Do not worry darling i will take care" hema told making Vikram wanting to dash her head into the wall.

Hema really thought Vikram was concerned about her safety,but ahem we know why Vikram was even talking to her.

"Alright! But what's her name?"

"Aishwarya!" Hema told

"Aishwarya" Vikram repeated.

It was a common name yet felt special!

And that was enough for him! With the name he was sure he could do well for the week.

As he turned around all smiling hearing her name! He found Aishwarya looking nah staring at him and hema!

She was giving a bombastic side nah criminal offensive side eye.

Aishwarya unknowingly or knowingly have a standard to vikarm.

She had a image of Vikram being that guy who would not stand by bad people or would even breath the same air they do.

But seeing him laugh and smile around hema who happened to be harini's friend made her think Vikram was by their side.

She hated to admit but something in her felt low! It just did feel right watching them together .

She turned and started walking when keerthana appeared .

Keerthana too looked irritated but with the sight of Aishwarya she relaxed and noticed the frown on aishu's forehead

"What happened Aishu?" She asked holding her hands

Keerthana could feel the angry in aishu , the way her hands were warm and hot.

Getting no relpy from her keerthana looked at the direction where Aishwarya was starring and found Vikram talking to hema.

It took a minute or two for keerthana to understand why Aishwarya was angry.

Was it because of hema?
Or Vikram?
Or both?

She did not know but a minute later Vikram peaked over hema's shoulder and gave a smirk to Aishwarya

Aishwarya 's grip on keerthana went tight and with that keerthana knew what was actually bothering Aishwarya.

She could not help but bit her lower lip in exictment and curiosity.

"I..I let me buy you ice cream okay? Yes ice cream come!" Keerthana told as she dragged Aishwarya along with her.

Aditi was already in the canteen waiting for them and Aishwarya sat next to her , a unknow rage filled her and she did not even know why!

Keerthana soon placed a ice cream stick infront of her and smiled.

Aditi was clueless but sat next to Aishwarya like she knew what was going on.

Aishwarya slowly unwrapped the cover and started taking licks whereas the girls looked at each other and stood up for their turn to buy ice cream.

A message from unknown poped up in Aishwarya 's phone making her from stop eating.

"Hey Arya!" Read the message

Aishwarya was not even confused she knew it was wrong number and a wrong sent message

"Hey! This is not arya please check the number!" She reliped back and placed her phone on the table.

But then within seconds the relpy came back.

"I know it is you Aishwarya!"




Aishwarya watching Vikram and hema talk 👍

Aishwarya watching Vikram and hema talk 👍

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