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A orangish Tee  marching the sun set with blue baggy jeans  ! Riya stood in her flat looking around for one last time

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A orangish Tee marching the sun set with blue baggy jeans ! Riya stood in her flat looking around for one last time . Her flat was now almost empty and only boxes laid around along with her suitcases.

Paris had given her so much warmth now leaving left too cold! She sure will miss the hot chocolate and watching people in love but the most she'll miss is the silence and peace she had here! Now that it was time for her to get back to india even t...

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Paris had given her so much warmth now leaving left too cold! She sure will miss the hot chocolate and watching people in love but the most she'll miss is the silence and peace she had here! Now that it was time for her to get back to india even though its for a short period of time. She had to meet her parents it was high time .

Breaking her thoughts, a knock in the door gained her attention! Dropping her backpack on the floor she marched towards the door only to find the flower delivery person the only thing was it was always man who would deliver but now it was girl! With a warm smile she dropped it on riya's arms and walked away .

Riya sighed closing the door and looked at the bunch of tulips maybe these might the only flowers she can have ! Cause she had a flight in 20 mins and she can't drop this anywhere.

The tv which was playing a practice performance video of dev and his current band was now disconnected!
Riya knew watching him will break her again and again but then she feared!

"His voice! Please don't let me forget his voice" she begged everyday to the universe

Every time he watched him performing with his band her mind immediately when back to his dreams! Dev badly wanted to start a band with riya and Sameer and these two were not less than excited than him ! She hated how everything from her was snatched in a blink of an eye.


A hour later riya sat in the plane staring at the pure white clouds! The colour white remained her of him!

He was so pure! So innocent and she felt something hit her guts knowing how heartbroken he might have felt when he learned about this.

Sighing she opened her journal book ! A non living bestie she had! Not everything might to be said out loud sometimes things are might to be secret so it laid in the journal safely

Opening the last page she wrote! A dried flower fell on her feet!

"Somewhere deep down i knew this day would come. Frankly there is no one to blame. I shouldve told Dev about Sameer, he wouldve understood. I dont think i'll ever forget the look on his face. Though the entire campus was in chaos, it was nothing when compared to the storm inside him. I saw it in his eyes - the pain, the lost trust, the "how could you do this to me". I hate that i caused all this to him. I shouldnt have joined this college, i shouldnt have met him. If i was never in his life, my dev would still be laughing without a care in the world. What sameer did, it was not like him at all. He knew i was going to say yes to Dev, yet he asked me if i was really letting him go. Of all the people in the world, i know love makes you do stupid things, but i wouldve never stepped in between Sameer and Oviya. If only he realized his feelings in school, we wouldve been so happy together. But now when i finally moved on, my entire world is collapsed. I'm not mad at anyone though. I wish things played out differently. If Dev doesnt forgive me, i would understand, but he was my last shot at love. I dont think there is going to be anyone after Sameer and Dev. The only boys i've ever loved. I hope they fix their friendship. I really dont want to cause more struggles to them, i dont think i'll reach out to those roommates again. I feel sorry for all three of us. Fate is a bitch."

She wrote this the day she landed on Paris ! This  was her mindset and this has no change after 6 years too and she knew this one month will do no change too!

One month! She prayed that she doesn't wanna wanna meet him anywhere ! Not for herself but at-least for him  happiness! She knew he would have healed at-least 50% and she did not wanna ruin that.


"But its high time i think! Dev's father told and his mother nodded in agreement

"But we still have 2 months lease contract to expire!" Dev said

"Its been like almost 6 years Son! We really need to do this at-least for your grandpa " his mother told

After years this was the first time his parents asked him something and he really did not have the heart to say no!

They wanna go back to Bangalore! His grandpa was counting his days and he had to be there

"Let's go! I talk to the band"dev said picking up his guitar bag.

Years passed ignoring the reality but now it was time! He had to face and no one other than dev knew his entire reality was Her!

The band he was in was not less than good! They were amazing in their own way but dev felt something missing! Her! Her voice! Her presence! Her aura .

Years after hears and he still misses her and this made him frustrated, the angry returned to his veins and he clenched his fist before turning towards the band to then know about his depart.




Instagram id : author_rithika

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