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The same morning where Aditi and Aravind and Vikram and Arya went to the date

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The same morning where Aditi and Aravind and Vikram and Arya went to the date .

Sameer was late to a the breakfast table
He rushed as fast as he could to the food area but as soon as he reached the door, he stopped.

Riya and Dev were laughing about something.
She kept pushing him with her palms and he held her hand in defense. He saw how Dev's touch was so gentle yet firm.
He saw how Riya's smile came from her heart.
He knew that because he used to cause that all the time.
It felt weird to see her be the silent one.
In school, she used to talk a lot. She would go on so many tangents and would forget what she wanted to say. But their conversations always ended with "It's okay sameer. We got this". He sometimes asked her to stop rambling but most of the times he let her talk but he never paid attention.

Let go his unhealthy relationship problems, be it his low scores or his least favourite breakfast his mother had made ! He had ranted about it to her every time and she had listened carefully .

Here it's his room mate who never shuts up and she lets him talk for however long he wants. Something stung him. Perhaps she does this because she knows what it's like to not have someone who listens. He stepped in with a fake smile.
He saw her smile drop a little. It would've gone unnoticed but Sameer was staring at her for a long time so he couldn't ignore it.
Disappointment was evident in Dev's face too.
Sameer felt like he interrupted something. He quickly shaked that thought away. His heart was already aching. He didn't want to add much to it.

Dev was a great friend to him! From school days till now Sameer did not had any strong male friendships in his life.
He would sometimes envy seeing Aravind bring protective over dev, watch how Vikram never failed to catch a seat for dev, noticed how Arjun use to wait for dev no matter how late it was.

He had none of these but then Sameer also noticed how dev wanted to provide all this to him and make him feel Engaged in his group.

Sameer sighed as he sat down with them! Riya continued to dig into her breakfast and dev started to rant to her

Sameer never thought about her with another guy.
It was always him who went back to Oviya. He was always the one who got away. This time he felt the tables turn. He didn't like it at all.
But he knew she deserved someone who was not a coward like him.
Infact if he was Riya he would choose Dev over him a thousand times! It was easy- dev had never hurt her ,never let a drop of tear escape her eyes but then Sameer it was a whole different story .

She looked genuinely happy around dev ,That he couldn't deny.
He always wondered what was so different about riya and dev.
Why are they always smiling laughing and blushing together?
Making riya blush is an easy task he knows that but making Dev flustered isn't easy because that guy literally has no shame. Riya does that effortlessly.

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