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I feel addicted to him. I need his touch constantly. My friends tease me for it when we're for example on Kirishima's couch, his legs over mine and leaning into each other.

The festival is this Friday and I can tell he's very nervous.

Izuku keeps practicing and practicing and honestly I'm not any better. We both want to be the best and there for each other, but we're also a form of comfort and relaxation. We've been talking for 3 weeks now and some people do and don't agree with us. Since I'm pretty damn popular, it's been hard trying to give people a different image of me. I can tell Izuku's struggling with the attention we're given. So much has changed since we met and as much as it scares me, I'm grateful for it, for him.

We're laying on my bed, it's the early morning. He stayed over for the first time. We haven't done anything other than kissing, but I can't help but feel the need for more. I have to remind myself to take it slow if I want it to really work. It's hard to hold back when he looks and acts the way he does, but I'm not a total asshole. At least not to him.

He's in pajama shorts paired with a large sweater. I'm dressed in sweatpants without a shirt on. I get hot okay.

He's curled up in my arms, face facing my chest. He looks so small and peaceful. The sun shines on him through a peek in the curtains. I admire him and my hand strokes a freckled cheek before I kiss his nose. "Mm Kacchan." He whines as he slowly opens his eyes and hides further in my chest.

"You're a fucking koala."

"Shut up."

He slides slightly away from me, looking with tired eyes. "But you're so warm." He strokes his hands from my v-line to my chest and fuck, he's really tempting. The hands move up to my shoulders and down to my hands. "You can just admit you find me hot, Izuku."                             "Why are you like this?" 

I take his hands and kiss his knuckles, he laughs. As much as I want to savor this moment, today's very important.

"Come on, today's the day." I yawn and ruffle his hair..

"Don't want to, I'm so cozy right now." He hides under the covers again.

I pull down the blanket and step out. "Cold! Oh my gosh."

"Izuku, get up."

"No, let me stare at you from the warm bed longer."

"You leave me no choice then." He looks confused, I pull the blanket off of him and pick him up in a bridal carry. "Put me down. This is so embarrassing!" He tries to escape from my hold but I move my hands under his ass and he wraps his arms and legs around me with hesitation.

"You gonna listen now, baby?" He hides his face leaning on my shoulder.

"Don't just casually call me that..I'm awake now Kacchan."

"All I'm hearing is that the plan worked." I place him back on the ground.

He stares at my bare upper body.

"Why are you so good looking, it's unfair really." Without a shirt on you can see the half of the terrifying snake trailing down my body. His fingers follow the tattoo and stop when he reaches my waistband. I don't want him to but he brings his hand up again.

"Izuku," I'm breathing loudly and he smiles. Cheeky little shit. "Hmm?"

"Get in the damn shower." He flushes.


"No. Go on your own, you stink." I joke laughing and push him into the bathroom. "Lies!" He gasps and finally shuts the door.

Envious Desire /bkdk/ College AUWhere stories live. Discover now