Forgiveness and Death

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He forgives me? FORGIVES ME? Just like that? How could he?! 

Alastors mind races at 100mph and he realizes he had stopped crying. He looks down at his trembling hands and looks back up to meet the other mans eyes. He shakes his hair out of his eyes and comes out of his daze, he realized Lucifer had asked him someone. Alastor nods his head softly and Lucifer embraces him in a warm hug. He melts into his lovers arms as tears spring into his eyes once more. His whole body wracked in sobs and he holds onto the fallen angel like his life depended on it. 

Seeming to have regained the ability to speak, he mumbles once more, "I'm so sorry Lucifer, I didn't mean to kill her... S-she got in the way, I-I promise I didn't mean to... I understand if you want to kill me..." His speech is muffled by Lucifer's shoulder but the message seems to get across as Lucifer's embrace loosens. 

Here it comes, I'm going to die. A slow painful death, and I'll deserve every second of it. 

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