part 45

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Although Niko's speech had to be cut short, the rest of the funeral went on as usual. They buried Aj and said some words at his grave, causing more tears and heartbreak. Brielle was kept under a close eye to make sure she didn't pull anything funny. Once the funeral was over, Niko brought Brielle to his bedroom to talk. Kenny, Sharky and Chunkz all decided to tag along to his house too. Just to make sure Brielle didn't have anything insane planned. 


The doorbell rang for the fourth time in Niko's house and Chunkz had rushed to go and answer it. Once he grabbed what he needed he rushed back to his bedroom.

Sharky looked at Kenny, concerned. "Isn't that his 5th meal this past hour?"

Kenny sighed. "He's stress eating. I would a hundred percent let him off if it wasn't Nandos he was eating. It just isn't healthy."

"He's going to regret it after."

"Fucks sake, we can't have him going into a relapse. It took Darkest ages to help him stop throwing up."

"So what do we do?" Sharky asked.

Kenny frowned and tilted his head to the staircase. "Let's go talk to him."

Whilst Niko was dealing with Brielle, Kenny decided he and Sharky may as well pass the time by talking to Chunkz. They knocked on his bedroom door and opened it when Chunkz allowed them in.

"Hey brother..." Kenny smiled.

"Yo" Chunkz was sat in his bed with his previous 3 empty boxes of food plus dessert boxes were stacked on top of each other on his bedside table, with empty drink cups beside them.

"How are you?" Sharky asked, going to sit down on Chunkz's bed.

"We're all living arent we?" He dipped a chip into some sauce before popping it into his mouth. He then laughed and said "Well, not all of us."

"Amin..." Sharky said.

"What? Too early for the jokes?"

"You need to stop acting like you don't care." Kenny said.

"I do care. In fact I care so badly I wanna die myself. But I can't fucking do that because it's just gonna put you guys in a state. Besides, Aj would want us to joke about it." Chunkz shrugged.

"Okay but Chunkz, don't you think you should cut back with the food?" Kenny said.

Chunkz just glared at him. "You calling me fat yeah? Say less." 

"No, I never said that!" Kenny sighed. "Just maybe eat something that isn't Nandos?" 

"I'm hungry." Was Chunkz's reply.

"And that's fine, but maybe take a little break..?" Sharky really didn't want it to seem like he was insulting Chunkz.

"I can't! If I don't eat, then I think about Aj. When I think about Aj, I cry. And I can't be asked to cry any more than I have these past few days!"

"Crying might be a little healthier than stress eating, Amin" Sharky said.

"Nah I'm good." Chunkz ripped some of his wing with his teeth.

"Chunkz." Kenny took the box of food from his friends lap and set it aside.

"Bro?!" Chunkz was visibly annoyed.

"You need to stop." Kenny was firm in his words. He really did believe that Chunkz needed to find a much healthier way to relieve his stress. 

Niko would cry almost all the time, same with Sharky. Boxing always helped Kenny but Chunkz didn't have a single way of letting out his emotions.

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