part 44

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As all the commotion in the hospital took place, someone decided to pay a little visit to Niko's house. She unlocked the door with her key, made her way upstairs to the crime scene and opened up Aj's door.

"Awh... isn't this just depressing." Brielle smiled freakily at the belts hanging from the ceiling. She then walked all the way inside, switching on the light and looked around.

"You know, Aj. This is what you deserve, really. You stole my boyfriend, stole my happiness, so now I stole your life." Brielle giggled.

She walked over to the desk, where there was a small letter written out on a piece of paper.

Brielle gasped. "A gift for me?!" She smirked. "Oh, Aj you shouldn't have." Brielle picked up the letter in her hands and skimmed through it. She then yawned, folding the letter up. "What a load of bullshit."

She then smirked evilly, the stuffing letter in her pocket. "Hm, would make good blackmail though." She walked out of Aj's room slamming the door shut.

"May you rot in hell." She bowed at the door and left the house discreetly.


Today was the day of a funeral. Aj had passed away maybe a month after Niko's birthday. Niko knew he'd never be able to celebrate it again. He knew he'd never even want to without Aj.

With a heavy heart, Niko opened the door of what once was Aj Shabeel's bedroom. He stepped inside and switched the light on. He stared at the makeshift rope that Aj used to hang himself. Tears started to form in no time, not to Niko's surprise. Niko sighed out and walked over to the chair in the middle of the room. The chair which Aj used.

He stepped up on the chair and touched through the belts. Wouldn't it be romantic if Niko died in the same way Aj did? Or maybe just the same room as Aj? Niko stared wishfully at the belts. Niko didn't really feel like there was much to live for himself.

No. I can't. They wouldn't be able to handle two deaths of people they love. Not at the same time. Niko thought of his friends.

Niko sighed and released the chain of belts from its place on the light shade. Niko folded the rope in half and stared at it. He then jumped off the chair and threw the belts back into Aj'a cupboard.

His cupboard was filled with shirts and oversized hoodies and Niko could name to you a memory which happened with each outfit. One of the most obvious ones was the black hoodie with a dark green design on and some black cargo looking pants to go with it. He and Aj wore the outfit on the same day with matching watches and everything.

This was far before he and Brielle had even met, where everything was just perfect. Aj claimed that Niko copied him and Niko argued back the same.

"We both knew what actually happened though, didn't we Aje" Niko asked out loud with a quiet laugh. "You came into my room, asking if your outfit looked alright. And I was just shocked because I'd genuinely picked the same outfit for the day."

"And obviously, you have instincts of a rat so you didn't believe me" Niko smiled. "So I showed you the outfit hung up behind my door."

Aj was very much in shock at the telepathy in their head that day. He was surprised that he and Niko thought alike. As a form of 'punishment' for not believing him, Niko grabbed Aj and tickled him until he couldn't breathe. He then released the man with the first kiss he ever gave him on his cheek and walked out the room. Leaving Aj in utter shock.

Niko shook his head and closed the cupboard door. It wasn't time for reminiscing. He grabbed the chair from the middle of the room and took it back to its desk, tucking it in. Niko stared at the desk. Something felt off. Something wasn't right. Niko spotted a notebook with a page that looked like paper was torn out from. There was also a pen, unusually lying on the desk. Did Aj write a note?!

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