part 5

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Laying on the floor, exhausted after all the fighting, Niko and Aj decided to call a truce.

"We need to get snacks for game night" Niko brought up a topic to talk about

"Okay. Gimme 3 to 4 working days" Aj sighed

"I'm giving you 1o minutes to get up Aje, nothing more"

"Wait so, what are we doing for game night?" Aj propped himself up on a shoulder to look at Niko properly.

"We could play Mafia?" Niko suggested

"No, we did that like 2 weeks ago at Sharky's" Aj reminded him, staring into Niko's eyes.

Aj thought Niko was really nice to look at. He had small but mesmerising dark brown eyes. Its like Niko was just able to hypnotise anyone who looked his way for more than 5 seconds. The cutest smile known to man was engraved onto his face. His height was just insane. He was 6'4 and the perfect size for Aj to fit in his arms whenever he felt like physical touch wasn't a bad idea. Aj could keep going on for hours but Niko had been speaking.

"Aj!" Niko called out

"Huh? What" Aj asked confused.

Niko got up into a sitting position and started to laugh. Ah. There was another thing Aj loved about Niko. His contagious laugh that just forced Aj to smile every time he heard it.

"Idiot. Can we not play truth or dare?"

"That's boring though" Aj said "We basically know everything about everyone"

"There must be some secrets we don't though" Niko shrugged.

Aj laughed nervously "I don't know. Maybe"

"Fine, maybe there are some games we could find in the shop. If we can't find anything, we'll play truth or dare. But we can try twist up the rules or something" Niko started to get up

"Hey, it definitely hasn't been more than 5 minutes yet"

"Actually, its been 11" Niko showed him the time on his phone

Wow, time really flew by when Aj was with Niko. He'd mentally noted that he'd been wrestling with Niko since sometime at 1 and it was now 3:16. He wished that their time alone together would never end, but obviously it had to at some point.

Niko put a hand out to help Aj up. Aj slapped his hand away and got up himself. Niko assumed Aj just didn't want the touch so he just smiled.

We've been fighting for hours but what if he thought I was too heavy? Shit. Aj thought in his head. Aj hated his weight. He always felt as though he was too heavy, even when people tell him he's really skinny. The only reasoning he had for thinking it, was old family members telling him he needed to lose weight. Obviously they where just being stereotypical judgy family but it just happened to be something that Aj really took to heart.

The boys got ready, put some shoes on and abruptly stopped at the door. Aj started to laugh.

"Where are we going?" He looked up at the taller man

"Tesco. Why you laughing?" Niko smiled

"Yeah. How we getting there?" Aj crossed his arms

"Oh yeah" Niko laughed "Lemme call an Uber."

Niko and Aj where the only two boys that didn't have a driving license despite Sharky's attempt to teach them one day. It was extremely inconvenient as they both didn't like talking to people when they it could have been avoided. Niko was better at putting on a character and acted like he liked it even when it annoyed him. Aj just stayed silent.

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