part 37

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It was the next morning and Aj walked into the kitchen trying to get Niko's attention. He didn't understand why the man was doing this. Brielle said that they were still allowed to talk and stuff, so why was Niko ignoring him? Did he not want to talk?

"Niko please talk to me, baby." Aj pleaded.

Niko was just concentrating on his cereal.

"Niko you're going to give those Cheerios a headache" Aj tried to joke.

"Nikolas Omilana!" Aj banged the table, causing milk from the bowl to go flying.

"Talk to me. PLEASE?!" Aj was getting extremely desperate. He felt so love sick that he'd do just about anything for Niko to talk to him.

"Can you tell me what I did at least?!" Aj said as he watched Niko get up to grab some tissue.

Aj knocked the tissue roll out of Niko's hand and wrapped his arms around his waist. "You can't ignore me if you can't get away from me."

And oh did Niko want to hug him back. He wanted to pull Aj in tight and tell him he was sorry over and over again. He wanted to promise he'd never do anything like this again.

But instead he pushed him away "Don't touch me." Niko said.

Aj stood stunned. "Oh, I... I'm sorry- I..." He didn't know what to say.

"That sting did it?" Niko asked. "Good. Now you know how I felt." Niko made his way back to the table.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" Aj asked in an insistent tone.

"So when you push me away and tell me to leave you alone or insult me and kick me out the house or whatever it is that you do, that's okay. But when I give you a little taste of your own medicine, it isn't?" Niko hated the words coming from his mouth.

Aj frowned. "That isn't fair."

"Damn." Niko picked up his spoon and started to eat.

"No." Aj said. "No, there's more to this than payback! There has to be!"

"Oh Aje..."  Niko looked up at Aj with a soft smile. "Karma's a bitch."

Aj glared at Niko. "Fuck you, then." He said simply and walked away. If Niko was going to ignore him, he'd act like he didn't care. There was no point in talking to a man who didn't want to talk to him. It was like talking to a brick wall. And if Aj had any self respect left at all he'd let Niko play his little game and not care a single moment whilst it happens.

Two hours later.

"Niko stop it now! If you won't tell me what I didn't wrong how can I help?!"

Aj stood in front of the Cinema room TV where Niko was sat.

"Get out the way." Niko sighed.

"You know a few days ago you would've told me that I'm more interesting to watch than the TV." Aj crossed his arms.

"And a few days ago, I didn't have sex with a woman I hate just to save your reputation."

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