part 46 (FINALE)

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Chunkz, Kenny, Sharky and Niko were sat in Kenny's living room. It had been a full week since Aj's death. Niko was sat in the corner of the room, still in tears. He was quiet and had let out most of his energy but he was dying hard on the inside. His head was in his lap, arms around his legs. Aj was dead. Aj was dead and he's never coming back. And it was all Niko's fault.

The image of Aj's dead body in his arms was replaying in his head. The fact that they had argued right before his death was torturing him. He didn't have the chance to fix it and make it right. Niko could've had a child in his arms that cared about him. That he could've raised a better person than he ever was. Niko knew he would've been a better father than his own ever was. To make every fucking matter worse, the note Aj had left had been set alight. He'd never know

Chunkz sat numb on the sofa, expressionless, but you could tell exactly how he was feeling. He decided that he had cried enough on the funeral and before that. Chunkz too blamed himself. If he had allowed Aj to kill that brat, at least he'd be in prison and not dead. He'd be back one day, joking about how he didn't regret what he did. They'd all be happy eventually.

Kenny was sat with Sharky in his arms, never letting him go. He was rubbing circles into his boyfriend's back with tears in his own eyes. Kenny didn't feel exactly responsible for Aj's death but even he felt like he could've done more to stop it from happening. Although he told Aj to try and live his life once, maybe it just wasn't enough. He was so tired from all the funeral planning and just all the drama in their lives right now. He wished it would all just end.

Sharky was the loudest of them all. It wasn't exactly wailing but you could hear him the sobs coming out of him and they were heart breaking. Out of Chunkz, Niko and Sharky, Sharky was probably one of the least to blame for Aj's death but he couldn't help but blame himself the harshest. Sharky was always so insecure about himself, he wanted to try and help Aj to help himself. To prove that broken people can be loved too. But what he didn't realise is that it just isn't possible for other people to love him when he didn't even love himself.

"We should've killed that bastard time ago." Chunkz spoke out in a scary low tone.

"What?" Kenny was confused and shocked about what Chunkz was saying.

"He wanted to kill her! Like a fucking idiot I stopped him." Chunkz refused to say Aj's name.

Sharky brought his head out from being buried in Kenny's neck to look Chunkz in the eyes.

"Do you have any idea what you're saying?! Its good you stopped him! He would've been in prison!" Kenny tried to reason with him

"Better that than dead no?!" Chunkz raised his voice

"I..." Kenny was stuck.

"We could've had Aj here..?" Sharky asked, wearily.

"Well, no, because he'd be in prison!" Kenny argued once more.

"At least he'd be alive, Kenny!" Niko shouted out.

"Are you guys listening to yourselves? This isn't how Aj would've wanted this." Kenny frowned at the thoughts running through his friend's minds.

Chunkz laughed, angrily "Yeah well he isn't here to make that judgement."

"You guys are being too harsh on yourselves. All of you." Kenny tried to help his friends as best as he can. His heart was dying slowly but it was clear he was the one had to bring common sense into the room. He was never that one. He and Aj were always the little idiots of the group. Now Aj's gone. He was alone and felt the stupidest.

So his friends all losing their minds almost relaxed him. It sounded crazy, yes, but it's what Kenny always wanted. Someone to hear him out and listen to what he was trying to explain.

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