part 4

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Aj couldn't cook. Everyone knew that. Even he knew that. So why on God's green earth was he cooking pancakes first thing at 8:34 in the morning? He couldn't tell you. Well, he could.

Aj knew how badly he messed up yesterday. He never should've freaked out that badly and scared Niko. He knows that Niko is probably expecting some type of explanation, but he also knew himself that he wasn't going to give him one. Niko would understand. He had kicked Niko out of his room, called him a liar, basically told him he wasn't a good enough friend to comfort him. Aj knew he fucked up badly.

Pancakes weren't going to fix anything he did, Aj knew that. But maybe it would show that he actually cared? He got up 2 hours earlier than he usually did just to make sure he got this perfect. He really wanted to make sure these tasted good. Aj wasn't going to eat it himself. He knew Niko wasn't going to like that but in Aj's opinion, he had eaten way too much yesterday.

Aj had gotten all his ingredients out, already spilling the flour on the counter and dropping a mixing bowl on the floor. "Fucks sake" Aj whispered. "Why pancakes? Why couldn't this wanker's mother eat toaster waffles or something"

"Only that much sugar?" Aj said, kind of confused as to why there was such a small amount of sugar added in the recipe. " 'the sweetness of the pancake comes from the toppings' " He read out. "Fuck that" Aj said, pouring a whole ton of sugar into the bowl, mixing it in.

Aj thought he was just about done with the batter, when he noticed a chocolate bar on the counter. Hm. Niko likes chocolate, right? He stretched out his hand, trying to reach the bar at the end of the counter. Fuck, I am short. He laughed, kneeling on a stool and grabbing the chocolate. He ripped open the packet, putting it on the bare counter. He grabbed a knife and stared at the chocolate. "Yep, that's right. I'm stabbing you because you're black" Aj giggled at himself. He snapped the chocolate in half and started cutting up one half into small pieces. He scooped up the chocolate with his hands and put it in the bowl, mixing it in. He brought a pan to the flame, melted some butter and grabbed a spoon.

How do I make this circle? Aj threw the spoon onto the table and picked up the bowl. He poured a generous amount onto the pan and cleaned the side of the bowl with his fingers, scraping the batter on his hands back into the bowl. Not very hygienic but oh well. Aj turned the flame up higher, in hopes for the pancake to cook faster. His recipe had told him to check for bubbles to know when he was ready to flip the pancake. The only problem Aj had was that there was too much batter. It spread and spread until it wasn't thick anymore.

So now its thin and still not a circle. Mad.

After about 5 minutes, Aj grabbed a spoon and a knife, sticking the knife under one side of the pancake and the spoon on the other. Praying it would stay together, he flipped it around.

"Lets go!" Aj said, excited, as the pancake was whole. He let it cook on the other side for about 5 minutes before deciding it was ready to take out.

Something looked wrong to Aj. He definitely wasn't a chef, but the pancake Niko had made for him wasn't jiggling in the middle. He jabbed a knife in the middle of the pancake and checked it. Shit. No, No, no! Aj started tearing the pancake in pieces with his hands and fuck. The batter of the pancake didn't even cook in the middle. "Why has it done that?"

He pulled out his phone and asked Google:

Why is my pancake raw in the middle??

Apparently Aj had the flame too high and the pan too cold. Very contradicting but sure. Another thing he had done wrong was add too much batter in the pan.

This time, Aj kept the fire on low heat, spooned the batter out instead of poured it and only put a little bit of mixture. He saw the bubbles as a good sign and flipped it.

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