2 | 𝐈𝐭'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 ☾ Mommy Long Legs ˋ°•*⁀➷🩷

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✧・゚: ✧・゚: Trigger warning for minor gore depictions, anxiety, implied parental trauma, :・゚✧:・゚✧

─═★🩷⋆⁺₊⋆☽⋆ Chapter 2. Fly in the web ⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆🩷★═─

(Y/n) walked along at her own pace, gripping her grab pack handles with sweaty hands. Finger tips tapping on the rubber grip and plastic on a subconscious impulse. A nervous tick.

She didn't rush, she didn't want to, not when she was still motivating herself internally. Reassuring herself everything would go okay, all she had to do was play a game! Simple right?

Unfortunately she knew it was not. This game in particular was going to toss her around like a rag-doll. Her brain would be putty, it was already and she hadn't even made it through the door of Musical Memory.

A nightmare of a game for someone who has a bad memory, a terror waiting to unfold for the woman whom was overstimulated and panicked easily. (Y/n) could remember the first time she'd played this game with Mommy Long Legs, and Bunzo of course. She was a young pre-teen then, and going through a hard time at home. The games were supposed to make her feel like a kid again, which they always did, especially with Mommy there.

When (Y/n) had first played the game; she had her shiny bright grab pack at hand. The first round was easy, it was fun, she was giggling excitedly. But as the rounds progressed, the combinations were more complicated. New colors and symbols began to appear and (Y/n) was twirling around in a frantic. Her chest heaving up and down as her ears rang with the sound of Bunzo getting closer and closer as the cable lowered above her head.

(Y/n) remembered the way she collapsed onto the floor, curling up into a tight ball as she began to sob violently with her ragged breath. Mommy had stopped the game immediately and launched herself over to the platform skillfully to scoop the young child up in her arms. Cooing and whisper sweet reassurance, trying to calm down the child and coax her through the panic attack.

"Mommy is here. Mommy will keep you safe." Mommy murmured. Cradling (Y/n) like a baby in her spindly arms, coiling around the shaking body.

The rest was a blur, (Y/n) had passed out after that. Exhausted herself as Mommy Long Legs took care of the child with much love and attentive care. (Y/n) missed those moments, the ones where Mommy would take care of her like the perfect parent. (Y/n)'s own mother could never be such way.

But Mommy long legs wasn't the same as she was years ago. Certainly not, the Mommy (Y/n) knew wouldn't of threatened to eat her insides while she was still alive. The Mommy she knew wouldn't of made (Y/n) play this game again, knowing what happened.

However, (Y/n) needed the train codes. She needed to get the hell out of this place, she couldn't keep her host waiting much longer. (Y/n) wandered through the large door, eyeing the large room around her as she crossed over the metal walk away and onto the circular platform.

It was dark, where was Mommy?

Suddenly, the lights appeared like on que, brightening the dark space as the three screens- made up of a dozen or more TVs - had lit up in a bright white glow. (Y/n)'s eyes squinted and adjusted to the light right as the familiar voice echoed from the display booth on the fourth wall.

"Mommy hasn't seen this place up and working in years! Oh, Mommy missed it." The pink doll cooed in that oddly high-tuned voice.

"I don't think I can do this..." (Y/n) frowned, her nerves getting the better of her as she stared at Mommy. "Can't we play a different ga-"

"We're playing this game!" Mommy's voice altered briefly into a deep tone, her eyes flashing black pupils before returning to the normal green hues. Nearly causing (Y/n) to jump back in a mix of shock and horror. This wasn't her Mommy.

Mommy Long Legs giggled, "Mommy wants us to play all of our games! And in reward, Mommy will give you a piece of the train code!"

(Y/n) forced a smile and nodded, despite fearful she tried to remain enthusiastic. Maybe Mommy wouldn't pull a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde move on her again if she did. "Okay! I'm ready!"

Mommy giggled with excitement as her hand stretched to the other side of the room, finger tips pushing down on the green button. The game was going to begin.

(Y/n) gripped her grab-pack handles once more, thumbs hovering over the buttons as the five round light discs raised in front of her. All a different colors.

A sudden clapping sound echoed above her, which did cause her to jump this time. She looked up and took notice of Bunzo who was much too close for comfort when clapping his discs together. Thankfully, the coil of wires pulled him back up and out of (Y/n)'s face.

The screen lit up, "Red." The speaker announced and just as it spoke. (Y/n)'s eyes briefly glanced up at Bunzo again as he approached impeccably slowly. She hit the button, her green hand smacking against the red button with a click noise.

"No!" Bunzo's automated sounding voice exclaimed and he was yanked back up.

The first round was easy, as she remembered it was. She was staying steady with her emotions.
Mommy was watching with delight, her silence only adding to the tension. (Y/n) was reminded of her presence, she could feel Mommy's eyes on her every move.

The second round had began to teeter those emotions. The third round was when her breathing began to hitch.
She turned right and left, the plastic grab hands swung each and every direction as she fanatically pressed the buttons.

She had fumbled the combinations a few times and Bunzo had been almost close enough to reach out and brush her hair but was yanked back before possible.

(Y/n) was panicking now as the symbols began to appear around her. The screens read blue but flashed yellow and her mind couldn't process it, pressing the wrong buttons repeatedly as she breathed harshly. Tears forming in her eyes as she spun around. Only adding to the disorientation.

(Y/n) was doomed now, Bunzo was rapidly approaching and she just dropped to the floor. Unable to hold her trembling body up anymore and no longer capable of playing the game. Her eyes were hazy with tears that flowed down her face as her body hiccupped.

"Mommy! Help me!" (Y/n) choked out and sobbed again.

Now alerted, Mommy Long Leg's eyes widened at the sound of her cry. As if the adult in front of her was now a child in need, her instincts kicked in just as fast as Mommy broke through the glass. (Y/n) needed her.

She leapt forward onto the platform as Bunzo closed in on (Y/n) finally, only he hadn't a victory yet. Not as Mommy's pink hand grabbed him by the head and twisted his neck around with great strength.
A blood curdling tearing of flesh and fabric sounded, followed by a crackled groan emerging from the bunny as blood spilled from his now limp body that was casted aside just as forcefully.
 Mommy's black eyes were filled with primal rage before they softened green again as she turned around to face the curled up (Y/n).

Mommy leant down and swaddled the young adult in her arms, wrapping around her tightly in a pleasant motion. "Shh, Mommy is here now. Mommy will keep you safe." The pink doll cooed softly.

Though (Y/n) couldn't bring herself to look up at the being cradling her now. Too busy trying to calm her quick breaths, failing to choke back the tears as memories clouded her brain. Only adding to the spiral and panic.

The screens blared and flashed colors rapidly, the automated voice sounded squeaky as it rambled on colors. A swift pink hand hit the emergency button that was spinning around the circular platform, thus ending the malfunctioning game and letting darkness swallow then both where they stood. Now Mommy's full attention could turn to the young one in her arms still trembling.

"Mommy won't let anything hurt you, little (Y/n)." Mommy reassured, "It'll be okay." She added and gently gripped (Y/n)'s chin with her still bloody pink hand, smudging red on the already tear dampened face.

(Y/n), even as panicked, didn't believe that. Not when it was coming from the one that threatened to eat her if she disobeyed. Yet still the words felt like a balm on her aching soul at the moment. So (Y/n) made no comment, and instead allowed her body to ease in Mommy's spindly arms. Accepting the comfort. 

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I can't play the game," (Y/n) sniffled and took a deep breath, before letting go, a long sigh blowing past her lips before suddenly she was squeezed. 

"Don't worry, little one. Mommy won't make you play the games anymore," Mommy Long Legs murmured and stood up, beginning to walk with (Y/n) still cradled. It felt so strange, being called 'little one', and of course being swaddled up like this, it made (Y/n) feel like a child again. It wasn't a totally unpleasant feeling for the woman, though she worried about what Mommy would do next. 

"Where are we going?" (Y/n) asked with another sniffle, wiping her face with her sleeves. She was still recovering, though wasn't hysteric now. 

"To the train, little one."

(Y/n) immediately stared up at Mommy Long Legs, eyes brows raised curiously with confusion. "I thought I had to play the games? I don't have the-"

"Mommy will give you the train codes," Mommy interrupted and shushed her once more. The pink doll was already walking up the steps and returning to the play ground level, where the colorful train was sitting idly. 

"But why?" (Y/n) asked quietly, glancing around though her gaze flickered back up to the pink doll.

"Mommy wants you to be safe, which means you need to leave. Now." Mommy Long legs instructed, her tone was determined yet soft. Obviously worried about (Y/n)'s well being. She knew something, (Y/n) wasn't sure what, but there was more to this then just motherly nature. Some type of horror was surely lying beneath the surface, and after this hellish day, (Y/n) didn't want to wait around and find out what it was.

"Thank you, Mommy." (Y/n) whispered and nuzzled into Mommy Long Legs gratefully, her eyes fluttered closed for a moment.

Mommy Long Legs looked down at (Y/n) as she closed her eyes, she looked so vulnerable and young in Mommy's eyes. It made her truly believe (Y/n) was just a child, she missed the children dearly. She wished she didn't have to say goodbye, but Mommy couldn't risk her life. 

Mommy lowered (Y/n) reluctantly onto the train as she finally approached it. Before reaching into the pocket of her outfit and pulling out the three cards out, each one with a fraction of the train code. (Y/n) took them from Mommy's hands as she stared up at the pink doll sadly, now she didn't want to leave the familiar warmth. 

"I'm going to miss you, Mommy..." (Y/n) whispered and looked down. 

"Mommy will miss you too, little one." The pink doll whispered, as if mirroring her sadness as her hand extended to gently wipe away the bloody smudge from earlier. Cleaning (Y/n) up if only to bask in the final seconds of feeling like a Mother again.

"Now go, leave this place and never, I mean never... return." Mommy added, her tone firm as she nudged (Y/n)'s shoulder, encouraging her to the control panel.

(Y/n) stared for one last minute, feeling slight water rise in her eyes but she nodded. She understood the urgency. Finally the woman turned her back and faced the panel, it was the last time she saw Mommy Long Legs before the pink form snuck off.

  But watched (Y/n) from the shadows, unknownst to her.

(Y/n) started up the train and it began to move, blowing steam from the pipe anchored on the front engine. It was a smooth ride at least. 

She was free now at least. Right?

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