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6 years old

"[Y/N]!!!!!!!" Noya shouted running into your room, "Noya, why are you here so early" you questioned a bit muffled since your head was under the pillow. "It's like 1, come on I wanna show you something!!" He hopped on your bed and began bouncing on your back, "ow, ow, ok I'll get up" you spoke as he threw the pillow off your head. "Come on get dressed, hurry hurry" he jumped off your bed leaving the room to give you time to change.

You both been friends since you could remember, both your mothers were best friends and neighbors leading you both to be close as soon as you left the womb. You guys were always together, stuck to the hip your parents said anyone when they watched you both play in the backyard.

You closed your bedroom door and hurried downstairs to see Noya with a huge smile on his face, "Come on!" He shouted grabbing your arm and dragging you to his backyard. "Can you slow down?" You questioned trying to keep up with his running pace, once you both arrived he let you go and ran ahead of you while you tried to catch your breath "Look! I made it for you!" He shouted placing something on your head.

"What is it?" You questioned reaching to touch it, "A crown! You're the queen of my castle, tada!!" He revealed a play castle that was obviously made of cardboard. "Then are you my king?" You questioned, finger on your chin. "Nuh huh, kings are boring, I'm your knight! I'll protect you my queen" he shouted as you just stared at him.

It fell silent for bit as you walked over to him, "Would I make a great Queen though?" You questioned taking the crown off, "Of course silly, you're really beautiful like a queen!" You felt your face heat up a bit and you figured it was the heat from the summer sun. "You really think so?" You held back a smile while he nodded, "I'll tell you want, When we get older I'll be your king and knight! I'll protect and love you!" He shouted pointing his cardboard sword in the air making your face even warmer.

"You can't just say things like that Yū!" You shouted covering your face, "I'm not just say that, it's a promise! Pink promise" he ran over to you and held his pinky out "pink promise" you intertwined your pinkies and smiled at eachother knowing Nothing would ever break you too apart.

15 years old

Watching as the snow fell from the ground you waited patiently for his approval, It was near the end of your last year at junior high. January 25th 2 more months, yet you didn't want to wait any longer, you want to spend the rest of your days with him, You soon heard footsteps crunching onto the snowy grass which caught your attention. You finally spotted him, he's short figure and spiked up hair slowly cane into view make you hid your warm face in the collar of your jacket mentally preparing yourself.

"[N/N] is that you?" He questioned in the distance once he got closer a bright smile painted his face, "What are you doing out in the cold? You know how fast you get cold" he spoke "I like you Noya!" You basically shouted wishing you could just get this over with. The silence that came after killed you inside, "Sorry, I just- umm-" "I like you too, Princess" he spoke unwrapping his scarf from around his neck.

"REAL- really? Wow umm cool!" You cleared your throat at your really embarrassing response, "Yeah, since like the beginning of our 1st year" "right when I hit puberty?" You questioned feeling a bit ashamed. "What no, Way before that, you were always gorgeous to me not matter what" he spoke wrapping his scarf around your neck, You tried to hide your flustered face but he was looking directly at you.

"Awe, is Princess getting all soft?" He teased as you pushed his away, "When will you stop calling me that?!" You shouted hiding your face in his scarf. "When we get married, then I can call you my queen for real" you stared at him a bit face completely hot. "Come on you didn't forget our promise right?" He teased again which made you smile, "Nope, never."

16 years old

You stood in the stands away from the school, you watched your boyfriends match not too interested. There was really no point in being here, No one really knew you guys were dating, you just seemed like a supportive friend. That's what he made you out to be, he didn't like you being around his team, he no longer liked being around you, he didn't take you out anymore and you knew why.

Ever since he joined he became distant, and it was because of her. She was a 3rd year, extremely pretty, You always managed to see the way he looked at her, full of admiration and love but he never looked at you like that. You couldn't understand why.

He was your boyfriend, not hers so why did she get all of his attention?

You heard the whistle blow signaling the game was over, you looked over at the scores and saw that karasuno won. You smiled to yourself and made your way to the first floor, once you got there you saw his team celebrating in the gym and you couldn't help but be happy for him.

You spotted him and he spotted you, you both stared at eachother before you walked away. "Princess?" You heard from behind you, making you stop, you haven't heard that in a while, "Sorry I know you didn't want me here" "Yeah so why are you here?" He questioned harshly making you flinch, "I just wanted to see you play, I'm proud of you" you whispered clutching the strap of your bag.

"Go home, [Y/N]" he spoke as he began to walk away, "I think we should end things here" you spoke loud enough for him to hear. "What?!" He turned to you and he noticed your upsetting face, "see you around" you spoke before walking away.

You felt hot tears prick your eyes as you tried your best to hold it in, after all this was better for the both of you, he could be with her and you could finally try and get away from him.


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