Chapter 0 - the fell curse. (the 'hero' falls)

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(1st pov)

Like usual, I woke up with a splitting headache, depression, and a undying want to go back to sleep. I blinked, and looked around my room, as I sighed heavily. My room is clean, despite myself. The bare wooden floor is cold as i plant my feet down, as I focus on waking up. 

'The work never ceases, eh?' my mental voice sounds tired, somehow, as i get up, and walk to my PC. I turn it on,  letting the familiar hum of the fans wash over me, grounding my thoughts. 'Now, time to check up on Darryl.' I imagine for a moment, the rather portly man, and laugh. "hehhh, I wonder if he's even awake by now..." My eyes widen as they fall apon my email notifications, at a whopping 667 notifications. I quickly open the app, and grin. "it worked! fuck yeah!" You see,  as it turns out, biological immortality is easy to get, you just need to extend telomeres, ensure the coding in them is not damaged, and prevent cancers from forming as easily. boom, instant 300+ lifespan. add nanotech on top of that, and it's GG. 

'Hell yeah, with DNA altering tech like this...there will be no more sickness or disease or fatal injuries!' So caught up in my exitement as I was, I didn't notice the smell of propane and sulfur, and the sounds of something shaking. "Finally! I..." A cough overtakes my words as I stumble to the side. 'what is happening to me? why does my chest hurt so damn bad?' *I look down, and notice a faint coating of blood on my hands where I covered my mouth. "...Fuck." The word slips out of my mouth, as everything goes white. 

A flash of pain, and a distant boom. 

"What happened?" I blink as my thoughts come out as words. {[oh my, Congratulations, Alexander! You have died.]} "well shit. i guess this is it. wait a moment, when a person dies, don't they get judged?" {[Correct. You have  already been judged. you were not as good a person as you think you were. you were selfish, greedy, and disregarded the negatives of your actions.]} "well FUCK YOU! I did what i did for humanity! no more diseases! no more sickness! No more people crippled by disasters! fuck! damn you, asshole!" {[Those are merely side-effects of your main goal. immortality and power. do you deny this?]} I silently ponder for a moment, and realize that i cannot move or act, only think and speak. " I don't. I didn't want to die, just in case it is only the soul that ascends. I was afraid to cease existing. and Power...power is everything. without power, you cannot protect or help others, much less do anything to ensure your survival. A-am I going  to hell? A-and who even are you to judge me?!" {[I see. I am the overseer. A judge, appointed from on high. I never said you were bad, Alexander, only not as good as you thought. You, however, are still not good enough for heaven, and I cannot send you to hell, even as a punisher, due to how powerful your willpower is. Alistair Crowly was correct about willpower. it is the key to controlling spirits. we cannot allow you to remain in Purgatory, due to this, due to Alistair being a selfish ass who hates competition... what to do with you...]] I panic, my mind racing at miles a minute, before i begin to calm down. '{[Shhut up. it's hard to ponder your fate with you babbling about being enslaved or unmade]}' If i had a body, i would be flushed in embarrassment. "I cannot believe i said all that panic out loud. wait, did you calm me forcibly? this is just like those bullshit Gamer fanfics. hheh..." I feel a sharp pain, before I hear laughter.

  "BAHAHAHAHAHAHHH!!! what an amusing Mortal. did you think that I cannot do so?" I blink, and then realize I can move. I look down, and realize my body has returned. 'What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK?! okay...okay calm down..." I look  up, and see a...well lets just say a 'biblically accurate super-angel  on steroids times 1000' and leave it at that. I fall to my knees. "...God?" I feel it lash out at my mind, before it stops suddenly " I am not God. I am flattered by your description...but I shall share my name. I am-" My mind explodes with its name, complex shapes and forms floating in my mind, cosmic truth roaring in my consciousness- and suddenly it is gone. "my bad, i forget how fragile the mind is. You can call me Meta, for now. Human, you have been judged and found to have no place in the afterlife. normally this would call for a second chance, with wiped memories of this event, but your body...well, someone threw a can of sulfuric acid into your boiler unit and well...lets just say the detonation was more than fatal, and even if there was no explosion, I cannot just FIX melted lungs that easily...but...there is another option...if you'll have it..."

"well, I'm all ears."

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