" Are you ready to go, little man?" asked Big J.

" Yeah, but not without Sam, we need to find him," said Colby.

Big J stepped out into the hall after his crew. Colby followed behind them, along with Tiny. They all had their guns raised and they were searching the place up and down for Sam. When they rounded the corner of the facility, they came face to face with some of Naomi's men. Big J's crew began firing back.

" Go," said one of the members. " We'll cover you."

Big J, Colby and Tiny kept going. They quietly made their way towards the other side of the facility, breaking down every door and checking every room they could find. They had no luck.

" Are you sure he's here?" asked Big J.

" Yes," said Colby. " I saw him, we were together."

" You're sure they didn't move him?" asked Tiny.

" I don't know," said Colby.

" Look, we don't have a lot of time," said Tiny. " This could be it for all of us if we don't find him in the next ten minutes."

" We can't leave him," said Colby.

" We're not gonna," said Big J, " but we're runnin outta ideas here little man."

Colby's hand suddenly flew to his head. His head was pounding, but for some reason this headache was different than the ones he had been experiencing before. That's when he realized that it was Sam, calling to him. He could see the door in his mind and Sam tied up behind it.

Colby's eyes flew open. " I know where he is," said Colby. " Follow me."

Big J and Tiny looked at Colby curiously, but hurriedly followed behind him. Colby kept walking until he came to the door he had seen in his head.

" This one," said Colby.

" You sure?" said Tiny.

"Positive," said Colby.

Tiny quickly fired his gun at the lock and threw open the cell door. Sam stared weakly up at him when they stepped in. Sam thought he was going crazy for a minute but suddenly Colby stepped inside.

" Colby?" asked Sam.

This had been the first time Sam and Colby had seen each other in a while. Colby quickly rushed to him, freed his hands and hugged him. Sam happily hugged him back.

" I thought you were dead," said Sam. " Fuck, it's good to see you bro."

" You too," said Colby.

" How did you find me?" asked Sam.

" Your soul," said Colby. " Even though mine has been fully restored, you still have a part of me inside you. I think I still have that connection. Also, I had a little help."

Sam followed Colby's gaze towards the doorway and he saw Big J.

" Hate to break up this reunion little man, but we gotta go, now!" said Big J.

All 4 of them made their way through the facility and passed the guards to the main entrance. Sam and Colby had never had to dodge so many bullets in their lives, literally.

When they reached the entrance they stepped outside into the darkness. The whole yard was lit up by big lights and they could see the rest of Big J's crew waiting for them with a truck outside of the gate. All of them knew it was only a matter of time before more government agents showed up. You could hear the alarms all across the area. They quickly made their way across the yard and towards the gates as several bullets were fired at them.

Even More Protective ColbyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant