" I was gone for months," said Colby.

" In your head it was months," said Sierra. " For us, it was a mere three days. I guess all there's left to say is Thank You, Colby, for your cooperation."

Colby wasn't paranoid. The whole time, he had known something was off. All of those little moments he had experienced where something felt wrong was his mind's way of warning him, and he completely ignored it. Or maybe he just wasn't smart enough to realize it. Everything could have ended way sooner if only Colby had realized, had trusted his gut feeling.

" This technological breakthrough will be revolutionary," said Sierra. " Imagine the secrets we could uncover with this."

" You're sick," said Colby.

" You're just figuring that out now," laughed Sierra.

" What happened to Sam?" asked Colby. " What did you do to him?"

" Oh don't worry," said Sierra. " We've been keeping him nice and comfortable here. Of course we had to tie him down. He likes to squirm, which makes it hard for our scientists to probe."

Colby's fists balled when he heard that last word. He could only imagine what had been happening to Sam while he was out.

" I can't wait to break the news to Sam," said Sierra. " Imagine his reaction when he finds out you've brought us the very thing we need to kill him."

Sierra slipped a bullet into the Soul Killer and clicked the safety. Colby stood up slowly and had tried to stop Sierra as she stepped out into the hallway but he had been too slow. His body slammed against the door as Sierra closed it behind her and he rapped on it hard but soon his body grew weak and Colby slid to the floor.

" No, no wait!" said Colby. " Wait! Sam!"

Colby silently cried on the floor and he shut his eyes tightly as she heard gunshots ring out across the facility. Colby sobbed louder.

" I'm sorry Sam," said Colby. " I'm so sorry."

Colby must've cried himself to sleep. He didn't know how long he had been out. He once again had to readjust to his surroundings. He wanted to make sure he wasn't still in a false reality, just in case anything Sierra had said was true. He didn't know if it was or if his mind was still at their mercy.

Suddenly, the alarms around the building began blaring. Colby didn't know what was happening but he could hear the panic going on outside the doors. He suddenly heard yelling followed by more gunshots. It sounded as if someone was busting down all of the doors in the facility. Colby scooted away from the door as heard footsteps coming towards his cell. Someone was fidgeting with the door handle, and then he heard a gunshot go off and the door to his cell was swung open and someone stepped in.

" Tiny?" asked Colby.

Tiny looked at Colby. " In here, I got him," said Tiny.

Suddenly Big J's crew came rushing in along with Big J.

" Sup little man," said Big J.

Several members of Big J's crew freed Colby and helped him up while others blocked the door.

" What are you doing here?" asked Colby. " I thought you got arrested."

" I did," said Big J. " But that wasn't gonna stop me long, especially when I heard what these clowns had planned for you."

" That rounded us all up," explained Tiny. " Kept us all in the same spot too, that was their mistake. When we figured out what was happening, we made a plan to bust out. We came as fast as we could."

Even More Protective ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now